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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 16, No. 38 9/25/2009

Usual Suspects Attack Wicker Amendment



Last week, we reported on the Wicker amendment—a NRA-backed amendment to H.R. 3288 (the FY 2010 Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development appropriations bill) that would reform policies regarding the transportation of firearms on Amtrak trains.  The measure was adopted by the Senate on Wednesday, September 16, by a vote of 68-30, and would allow law-abiding Amtrak passengers the ability to securely transport firearms in their checked baggage while traveling by Amtrak train. Currently, passengers who choose to travel by passenger rail in the United States cannot transport a firearm in checked baggage as they can on airlines.


Not wanting to miss any opportunity to grandstand and show off his vehemently anti-gun views, New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine (D) sent a letter to Congressional leaders asking them to oppose the Wicker amendment. 



Your Help Is Needed In Support of BATFE Reform Bills S. 941 And H.R. 2296

As we reported in May, Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941, the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2009” in the U.S. Senate.  Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio) have introduced a companion bill—H.R. 2296—in the U.S. House.  The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena.  These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations. 



Triggering The Vote!  With each election, Americans go to the polls and make decisions TRIGGERthat affect—for better or worse—the future of freedom in America. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 72 percent (142 million) of the eligible voting age citizen population (197 million) were registered to vote in 2004. This means that as many as 55 million people were eligible to vote, but not registered—and therefore did not participate in the November 2004 elections.  Far too many gun owners and hunters are among them.     



Grassroots Minute Video:  


STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.”)


CALIFORNIA:  Two Anti-Gun Bills Head to Governor’s Desk in California  On Friday, September 11, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill 962 by a 44 to 31 vote.  AB962 now joins Senate Bill 585 on the desk of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) where they await his consideration.  Please contact the Governor immediately and respectfully urge him to veto these bills.  AB962 would require individuals purchasing ammunition to be fingerprinted and registered at the time of sale, and mandates that dealers keep these records and make them available for inspection by the California Department of Justice.  Also, ammunition retailers would have to store ammunition in a manner that is inaccessible to purchasers.  Finally, the bill would prohibit mail order ammunition sales.  Over 20 years ago, Congress abolished similar requirements because ammunition sales records were found to be useless for solving crimes.  AB962 is a dire threat to our Second Amendment rights in the Golden State.  SB585 would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition on the property or inside the buildings that comprise the Cow Palace in Daly City, just outside of San Francisco.  SB585 is a stepping-stone to banning gun shows on all publicly-owned property in California.  Please contact Governor Schwarzenegger TODAY and respectfully urge him to veto AB962 and SB585.  The Governor can be reached by phone at 916-445-2841 or via fax at 916-558-3160.  To e-mail Governor Schwarzenegger, please visit http://gov.ca.gov/interact. 

INDIANA:  Has Your Mayor Joined a National Anti-Gun Group?
Recently, three of Indiana’s mayors have resigned from New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG).  However, there are six remaining members in Indiana and they need to hear from you today.  
Bloomberg created “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” as a front group to influence Congress to oppose important pro-gun reforms and support new federal gun control restrictions. These are the positions with which several Indiana mayors have chosen to align themselves.  Please contact the remaining members of this anti-gun coalition and urge them to stand up for our Second Amendment rights and resign.  Also, please contact those who have resigned and thank them for disassociating themselves from Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG.  For names and contact information of the mayors, please click here.


LOUISIANA: Louisiana Attorney General Issues Opinion on State Parking Lot Law  This week, Attorney General Buddy Caldwell (D) issued an opinion upholding the validity and enforceability of state law allowing employees and customers to transport and store lawfully-possessed firearms in their locked, private motor vehicles in parking areas controlled by employers or businesses.  In his opinion, Caldwell clearly states that "[T]here are no express, field, or conflict preemption issues involving La. R.S. 32:292.1, with regard to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, or any safety/security plans submitted pursuant to each."  In other words, employers, companies and facilities that have been refusing to comply with the 2008 statute can no longer claim that current OSHA or Department of Homeland Security regulations allow them to ignore state law and completely ban firearms from vehicles in their parking lots.  (Note: state law does provide that firearms may be restricted IF the parking area is secure AND the property owner provides facilities for the temporary storage of firearms OR provides an alternative parking area where firearms are allowed to be stored in private vehicles.  You can read the opinion in its entirety by clicking here.

MARYLAND:  Hunting Included in Plan for Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge:  Public Comments Sought--The Fish and Wildlife Service released a draft management plan for Eastern Neck, located in Kent County, MD, a 2,285-acre island that lies at the confluence of the Chester River and the Chesapeake Bay.  The refuge was established to protect migratory birds.  Hunting is allowed on the refuge and the two alternatives to the current management structure will enhance those opportunities.  Public comments are being accepted until October 9th.  The plan can be viewed at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/planning/eastern%20neck/ccphome.html.  You may e-mail your comments to [email protected].  For further information, you may call 410-228-2692 and speak to Suzanne Baird, the Project Leader.  The Fish and Wildlife Service needs to hear of your support for a management plan that continues hunting on the refuge, and puts resources into enhancing those hunting opportunities.  Animal “rights” activists always comment in opposition to hunting on refuges, so the public comment record needs to show strong public support for hunting.

MICHIGAN: Workplace Protection and Campus Carry Introduced in Michigan!  In an effort to strengthen workers’ rights in Michigan, a number of pro-gun bills (HB5302, HB5303, SB792, and SB793) were introduced that would protect workers’ rights to lawfully store their personally-owned firearms in their vehicles, while prohibiting an employer from retaliating against an employee who exercises his or her rights. Also introduced was Senate Bill 747.  This legislation would allow permit holders who are at least 21 years old to carry a concealed firearm on college and university campuses by removing these locations from the list of prohibited places.  At this time no action is required.

MISSISSIPPI: NRA License Plates Now Available!  Support your NRA by purchasing a specialized tag today!  NRA license plates are now available through your county tax collector's office.  The cost is $31, with $24 of that going to the NRA Foundation State Account to promote firearms training, youth hunter education, shooting range development and other programs specifically in Mississippi.  For a list of county tax collectors and office locations, please visit

MISSOURI: Warren County Approves Youth Shooting Range!  At their meeting on Monday, September 21, the Warren County Commissioners voted unanimously to approve plans for a new outdoor youth facility in southern Warren County.  The purpose of this range, which will be operated by Youth Enjoying Shooting Sports Inc., will be for young shooters of all experience levels to learn proper firearm safety and to hone those new skills.  Please contact Warren County Commissioners Arden Engelage, Hubert Kluesner, and Dan Hampson at (636) 456-3045 and thank them for approving the Youth Enjoying Shooting Sports Inc. range permit.  For the Commissioner contact information, as well as the ranges hours of operation, please click here.

OREGON: Opportunity to Expand Hunting Programs in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it will begin to draft a plan for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that will guide refuge management for the next 15 years.  The 187,000-acre refuge located in Harney County is one of the largest freshwater marshes in the country.  Waterfowl hunting is available on approximately half of Malheur Lake and upland bird hunting is available on approximately one quarter of the refuge.  One of the issues that the Service will be addressing is the adequacy of access and facilities for all of the wildlife dependent uses, like hunting and fishing, and opportunities to expand these programs.  The Service is inviting comments from the public to gather suggestions and information on the scope of the issues to consider during the planning process.  Comments are due by October 15, and can be e-mailed to [email protected].  Include "Malheur CCP" in the subject line of the message.  Public meetings will be held and announced on the refuge's website at http://www.fws.gov/malheur.  For further information you may call 541-493-2612.  It is important that those who hunt and fish in the refuge become active participants in the planning process to ensure that sportsmen's interests are well represented in the plan that will be drafted.

TENNESSEE:   Knox County Attempting to Opt Out of New Park Carry Law  On Monday, September 28, at 2:00 p.m., the Knox County Commissioners will be hearing a resolution to opt-out of carrying firearms in county parks. The meeting will be held at the City County Building located at 400 Main Street in Knoxville. Please call 865-215-2534 in advance to be placed on the list to speak against this resolution at the meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact County Mayor Mike Ragsdale at 865-215-2005 and the County Commission at 865-215-2534 to voice your opposition to the resolution. You can also e-mail the Commissioners at [email protected].


Bartlett Still Looking to Opt Out of New Park Carry law!  The Bartlett City Aldermen have decided to push back the possibility of opting out of the new park carry law until another date, which is now scheduled for October 13.  This anti-gun ordinance would ban the possession of all firearms in local parks, even by those who possess Right-to-Carry permits, stripping gun owners of their right to carry a firearm for self-defense in all Bartlett parks.   As the date approaches, be sure to look for more updates in your e-mail and at www.NRAILA.org.  In the mean time, please continue to contact Mayor Keith McDonald at (901) 385-6444, and the City Aldermen at (901) 385-6444, and voice your opposition to this ordinance that would eliminate your right to self-defense in local parks.


TEXAS: State Representative Dan Flynn to Host Town Hall Meeting on Monday, September 28   NRA members in Hunt, Rains & Van Zandt counties are encouraged to attend an upcoming town hall meeting for State Representative and strong Second Amendment supporter, Dan Flynn (R-2).  The event is being hosted by the Texas Conservative Coalition, a conservative caucus of members of the Texas Legislature, and will take place at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, September 28, at the Fletcher Warren Civic Center, 5501 South Business Highway 69, in Greenville.  Two key NRA-backed bills did not pass during the 2009 legislative session: a proposal prohibiting employers from enforcing policies against hard-working Texans who store firearms in their locked motor vehicles while parked at work, and a measure allowing Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves on college and university campuses.  Rep. Flynn co-sponsored both bills, but House leaders failed to set either of them for a timely vote by the full House.  This is your chance to personally thank Rep. Flynn for his support and to urge him to push House leaders for a floor vote on both issues next session!  If you plan to attend the meeting, please RSVP to [email protected].

VIRGINIA:  Please join your fellow Virginia freedom-lovers at “An American Event”, to be held TOMORROW, Saturday, September 26, at Ritchie Lake Pavilion in Bealeton.  Gates open at 11:00 a.m., with events commencing at 1:00 p.m.  The event will include activities for all age groups, including Colonial and World War II military encampments, vintage military air show, pony rides, moon bounce, monster trucks, live music, free food, surprise speakers and more. If you are interested in donating food, time or energy, please contact the organizers at 703-537-5445 or [email protected].  Monetary donations will be given to aid wounded soldiers.  With Virginia being one of only two states holding elections this year, your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative, Greg Mortensen, will be in attendance working NRA-ILA's voter registration kiosk and discussing how you can get more involved in our efforts to elect pro-gun candidates to office this year.  Greg can be reached at:  [email protected] or 571-292-4796.

Get Your Bumper Stickers and Meet your CFRs!  This November, Virginia’s elections will be ground zero for the enemies of freedom to try and turn the tide against our gun rights in the Commonwealth, serving as a launching pad for their national gun ban crusade. Our opponents will be pulling out all the stops as a run-up to the 2010 elections. All eyes will be on us!

In light of the importance of this year’s elections, NRA-ILA has Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs) in place throughout the Commonwealth, who are coordinating our grassroots election activities.

In addition to working to turn out the pro-gun vote on Election Day, each Campaign Field Representative has been supplied with thousands of bumper stickers.

If you wish to get a free bumper sticker for your vehicle, as well as the vehicles of your family and friends, please contact the Campaign Field Representative nearest you (to see a listing of CFR regions and contact information, please click here).

In addition to claiming your free sticker(s), please volunteer whatever time you are able to assist your Campaign Field Representative as he/she works to ensure Virginia’s gun owners and sportsmen “Vote Freedom First!” on November 3rd!

Reloading Clinics:  Are you looking for a way to beat the high prices of ammo or are you having trouble finding your favorite ammo in stock at your local gun shop?  The Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA), the Official State Affiliate Association of NRA, has the answer.  VSSA will be hosting reloading clinics around the Commonwealth starting in September.  There will be clinics for both metallic shell reloading and shotgun shell reloading.  The courses are designed to enable shooters with little or no prior experience in reloading to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and ability to produce safe, consistent, and accurate reloaded ammunition.   The clinics will be held at the Gander Mountain stores in Fredericksburg, Richmond, Roanoke, and Winchester.  For more information on cost and dates, go to http://www.myvssa.org/reloading.htm, or e-mail Dave Myers at [email protected].  Class sizes are limited so register today!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.