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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 17, No. 9 3/5/2010

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Chicago Gun Ban Case


On Tuesday, March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago.  The case may well decide the scope and nature of gun laws in the United States for decades to come.  The final decision will be handed down in a few months, most likely in June. 

As we’ve reported in past alerts and in NRA magazines, McDonald is one of two challenges to the Chicago handgun ban that were filed immediately after gun owners’ landmark 2008 victory in District of Columbia v. Heller.  After the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruledwronglythat 19th century cases denied any right to Second Amendment protection against state and local laws, both McDonald and the companion case, NRA v. City of Chicago, were appealed.

The Court agreed to hear the McDonald case, but since that decision would affect the NRA case equally, the NRA was also a party to the McDonald case, and the Court granted us a share of the oral argument time. 

Brady’s Push On Starbucks Continues:  As we reported in February, the Brady Campaign has been plumbing the depths of desperation lately.  In an attempt at maintaining its relevance, the beleaguered group has attacked Starbucks for allowing the lawful carry of firearms in its stores as provided for by state law.

As we’ve pointed out, the Brady Campaign has been quick to fabricate a “right” to feel free from fear, while angrily scoffing at the right to self-protection.  To that end, last month the group encouraged its minions to sign a petition demanding that Starbucks establish a gun policy more restrictive than state law.  “I demand that Starbucks stand up for the safety of its customers and prohibit guns in your [sic] retail establishments,” the petition read. 

Volunteers Needed For 2010 NRA Annual Meetings In Charlotte:  The 2010 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 14-16, 2010, in Charlotte, NC.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.

Get Your Copy of Stephen Halbrook’s Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876:  Does the Second Amendment apply to the states?  The Supreme Court will soon decide that critical question.  As that historic day approaches, there’s no better time for all Americans to learn more about this issue.

Join The NRA Online Advisory Panel:  Last November, the NRA introduced a new service and community for our members, the NRA Online Advisory Panel. Inside this community, NRA members can vote and comment on Second Amendment issues, see how they compare to Congress, and track key legislation.  The panel now has more than 10,000 members.  The opinions and feedback of the Online Advisory Panel are helping to guide the strategy and agenda of the NRA heading into a critical political cycle.  If you’re not already a member of this growing community, you don’t know what you’re missing.  We hope you will take a moment to join today by clicking HERE.  

Second Amendment March On Washington Scheduled For April:  There will be a Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C., on April 19, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Attendees will gather on the northeast corner of the Washington Monument grounds at 10:00 a.m., and the entire event will take place there (due to logistics, the event will be more of a “rally” than an actual march). 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)


ALABAMA:  Several Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bills Awaiting Action in Alabama  A number of important pro-gun and pro-hunting bills are currently pending consideration in Montgomery.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action in support of them, please click here.

ARIZONA:  Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment Takes a Step Forward!  HCR 2008, Arizona’s Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment, passed out of the House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee (MAAPS) on Wednesday by a vote of 6-1-1.  Whether sportsmen want to believe it or not, the threat is real and NRA is laying the groundwork for our defense against future attacks with meaningful constitutional amendments such as HCR 2008.  Hunters are America's true conservationists.  No other group contributes more in order to preserve and reestablish wildlife populations and their habitats.  It is time that hunting receives the highest form of protection available and that is what is provided in HCR 2008.  The emotional cries of the animal "rights" extremists cannot be allowed to dictate the future of Arizona's wildlife policies.  If passed and approved by the voters, HCR 2008 would make Arizona one of nearly a dozen states with such a constitutional protection.  It is critical that you contact your State Representatives and respectfully urge them to support this important constitutional amendment. Contact information can be found by clicking here

U.S. Forest Service Releases Plan Restricting the Use of Motor Vehicles in the Kaibab National Forest

The U.S. Forest Service released a Travel Management Project (TMP) for the Williams Ranger District within the Kaibab National Forest.  The TMP will determine the future use of roads and trails for motorized access into the forest and can be viewed on-line at http://fs.usda.gov/goto/kaibab/projects.

Public comments are being accepted until Sunday, March 7 and can be emailed to:  [email protected] or mailed to Martie Schramm, Williams District Ranger, 742 South Clover Road, Williams, AZ 86046.

The TMP will affect what is labeled as Motorized Big Game Retrieval (MBGR).  The TMP states that motor vehicles could be allowed within a specified distance of certain designated routes and within specified time periods solely for the purposes of retrieving a downed big game animal by an individual who has legally taken that animal.  However, motorized off-road travel for other hunting activities, such as scouting or accessing a favorite hunting site, would not be allowed. Any game retrieval that is not specifically allowed in the final TMP would require non-motorized methods.

Four management alternatives are described and all address MBGR.  Alternative 1, the No Action Alternative, would allow big game retrieval to continue to be allowed across the Ranger District.  Alternative 2, the alternative supported by the Forest Service, would allow MBGR with restrictions.  Alternative 3 would increase the MBGR restrictions.  Alternative 4 would prohibit the use of motor vehicles for MBGR off the designated road system.  The TMP addresses the impacts of the alternatives on camping as well. 

It is important for those sportsmen and women who depend upon the Kaibab National Forest, and particularly the Williams Ranger District, for big game hunting to review the TMP and comment on the four alternatives.  The Forest Service needs to know how the alternatives would affect your ability to hunt on these forest lands and which of the alternatives, if any, you support. 

The Forest Service will be hosting two meetings on the TMP.  The first was held on Wednesday, February 24 at the Williams Ranger Station from 6-8 p.m. and the second will be held at the Williams Recreation Center (301 W. Railroad Ave., Williams) on Saturday, March 6 from 1-3 p.m.  For further information, please call 928-635-5614.

CONNECTICUT:  Two Hunting-Related Bills to be Considered on Monday  Two bills of importance to sportsmen in the Constitution State are currently awaiting consideration by the Environment Committee.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.

IDAHO:  Hunter Privacy Legislation on the Move!  The House Resources and Conservation Committee approved House Bill 531aa by a vote of 13 to 3.  This important legislation, sponsored by Representative Judy Boyle (R-Midvale), would amend Idaho’s existing law to limit public access to Fish and Game records of issued tags.  HB 531aa would also prohibit future harassment, intimidation and threats relating to the lawful taking and control of fish and wildlife. As the law currently stands, any person or organization can contact Fish and Game and request the names of all people who have been issued tags and what type of hunting tag they have been issued.   Hunters should be able to enjoy their favorite pastime and heritage without concern of harassment and intimidation because others do not approve.  No action is needed at this time and continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates on HB 531aa. 

ILLINOIS:  Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 10, 2010 in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.  Do not miss the largest gun rights rally and Second Amendment lobbying event in Illinois history! 


We need thousands of Illinois gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and those who simply wish to defend their right to keep and bear arms, to gather at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center--doors will open at 10:45 a.m., with the program set to begin at 11:45 a.m.  We will march down Capitol Avenue, rally on the Capitol steps, and then proceed inside to lobby legislators to make our presence known.  There will be no mistaking that Illinois gun owners intend to stand up and speak out for our right to keep and bear arms in the state of Illinois!  This will be one of the most important days of the year for Illinois gun owners!


For more information on IGOLD 2010, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org/, or call the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198.

KENTUCKY:  Four Pro-Gun Bills Moving Forward in the Bluegrass State!  To learn more about these bills and how to take action on their behalf, please click here.
MAINE:  Committee Reconsiders Park Carry Prohibition  On Friday, February 26, the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice voted 7-5 to reconsider LD1737 with an amendment that would allow permit holders and law enforcement officials to carry concealed firearms in Acadia National Park. This amended version is a critical step forward in assuring the right of self-defense for the law abiding.  The federal law, which allows the carrying of firearms in National Parks, went into effect last week.  Without this important change, LD1737 would nullify federal law within Acadia National Park, by disarming potential crime victims.  The original version also defies Maine’s Constitution which states, “Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.”  Please contact your State Representative and State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose any changes to LD1737 which would create victim zones in Maine.  Remember to tell them that crime does not stop at the park gate and the right to defend yourself and family shouldn’t either!  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

MARYLAND:  Maryland General Assembly to Consider Handgun “Permit to Purchase” Legislation  On Thursday, March 11, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees will hold hearings on Senate Bill 645 and House Bill 820, which would require Marylanders to apply for and obtain a “Handgun Permit to Purchase” before obtaining a handgun in Maryland.  This legislation, if passed, would make an already cumbersome process even more complicated and subject to abuse by anti-gun bureaucrats who already think there are too many gun owners in Maryland.  To learn more about this bill and how to take action in opposition, please click here.

MICHIGAN:  Michigan’s state legislature has convened for 2010, and important legislation affecting your rights will be considered.  In order to ensure that Michigan’s gun owners are fully engaged to protect freedom, NRA-ILA will be hosting a FREE Grassroots Workshop to help gun owners join the Frontlines today!

At this FREE Workshop, NRA-ILA Staff will discuss how you can take on an even more active role in your community in our fight to advance and protect our freedoms in this very busy legislative and election year!  We will provide you with the materials and strategies needed to educate, empower, and engage your fellow gun owners as well.  Please encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to attend, too!

This FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop will be held:


Friday, March 19, 2010
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
110 Cabela Blvd.
Dundee, MI 48131
(734) 529-4700
(Registration and light snacks from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)

For more information, please contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.


MINNESOTA:  Dangerous Anti-Gun Bill Advancing  On Wednesday, March 3, the House Civil Justice Committee passed House File 1396 by a vote of 6-5.  The bill will now advance to the House Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee for consideration.  HF 1396 includes a provision that would allow a court that issues a domestic abuse protective order to prohibit the respondent from having any contact with a PET OR COMPANION ANIMAL OWNED, POSSESSED, OR KEPT by a party protected in the order.  This new provision could have serious consequences for Minnesotans who exercise their right to keep and bear arms.  Under Minnesota law, a person who is convicted of violating an order of protection may not possess a pistol for three years from the date of conviction.  However, if the court finds the person "used" a firearm in any way during the commission of the violation, the court may prohibit the person from possessing any firearm for ANY period longer than three years or for the remainder of the person’s life.  In the latter case, the court shall also order that the firearm be summarily forfeited.  Please contact the members who opposed HF 1396 and thank them for opposing such detrimental legislation.  Members who voted against this bill are listed here, along with their contact information.


NEBRASKA:  Permit-to-Purchase Reform Bill Strengthens as it Moves Through the Legislature!  On Monday, March 1, NRA-supported LB 817 successfully advanced in the Cornhusker State from General File to Select File.  This bill would allow for a Nebraska concealed carry permit to also be used as an individual’s permit to purchase card.  During the first round of debate, known as General File, two amendments were added to the bill. NRA was not opposed to either amendment.  To learn more about these amendments and how you can take action in support of LB 817, please click here.

NEW YORK:  Laundry List of Anti-Gun Bills Introduced!  A number of anti-freedom bills have been proposed in Albany.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action in opposition, please click here.

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Important Pro-Gun Reform Scheduled to be Heard on Monday!  On Monday, March 8, the Legislative Administration Committee will consider House Bill 1693 at 2 p.m. in room 208 of the Legislative Office Building.  Sponsored by State Representative Gene Chandler (R-1), HB1693 would remove the authority to control firearms, knives, and other tools of self-defense within the State House complex (within certain parameters) from the Joint Committee on Legislative Facilities.  Passage and enactment of HB1693 is crucial to the rights of the Granite State’s law-abiding gun owners.  This would prevent another onerous attack such as occurred in December of last year.  Please contact the members of the Legislative Administration Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support HB1693.  A roster of the committee and their contact information can be found here.


OKLAHOMA:  Hunting Included in Management Plan for Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a draft plan with several options for managing the Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years.  Tishomingo is located in south central Oklahoma and consists of more than 16,000 acres.  It was established over 70 years ago to preserve nesting grounds for migratory waterfowl.  The draft plan describes three management alternatives, all of which include some level of hunting.  Comments on the draft are due Tuesday, March 23 and can be emailed to [email protected].  Include "Tishomingo NWR Draft CCP and EA" in the subject line.  Comments can also be faxed to Mr. Lujan at 505-248-6874.  The plan can be viewed at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/Plan/planindex.html.  For further information please call 505-248-7458.  It will be extremely helpful in the planning process if hunters familiar with the refuge can comment on which of the alternatives best reflect the needs and desires of those who hunt on this refuge.

PENNSYLVANIA:  The Borough of Swarthmore May Table “Lost or Stolen” Ordinance!  As we reported, Mayor Richard Lowe, a member of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”, introduced an ordinance that would require gun-owners in the Borough of Swarthmore to report lost or stolen firearms within 72-hours or face a fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 90 days in jail.  At Monday’s meeting, the Borough Council voiced its intent to table the ordinance at the next meeting, scheduled for Monday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m.  Please make plans to attend this hearing and show your support for the Second Amendment.  This proposal not only violates Pennsylvania’s state preemption laws, but also potentially turns law-abiding gun owners -- who have already been victimized by theft -- into criminals.  Also, please continue to contact the Mayor and the members of the Borough Council and respectfully voice your opposition to this unwarranted, unjust and illegal proposal and ask that they table it.  Contact information can be found here.

Help Stand Up for Pennsylvania’s Hunting Heritage!  Last Wednesday, anti-hunting, animal “rights” forces met in Harrisburg to rally against organized bird shoots in the Keystone State.  Bird shooting is an historic and legitimate activity steeped in tradition with many participants throughout the Commonwealth and around the world.  For more than one hundred years, shoots have been held in Pennsylvania by law-abiding, ethical shooting enthusiasts, hunters, and sportsmen who would not tolerate an activity that would constitute cruelty to animals.  National animal “rights” extremist groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), have organized and funded efforts in Pennsylvania and around the country to ban this longstanding traditional shooting sport. Make no mistake; this isn't just about banning bird shooting, but banning all hunting species by species.  Now, more than ever, it is imperative that you contact your State Legislators and respectfully urge them to protect Pennsylvania’s rich hunting traditions by opposing any attempts by these radical and deceptive groups to outlaw hunting.  Please click here to contact your lawmakers.

North Sewickley Township to Consider Gun Ban!  The North Sewickley Township Supervisors will soon consider a proposal that would outlaw the possession of firearms in municipal buildings and on township property.  This ill-conceived ban, which even includes Right-to-Carry permit holders, creates victim zones by disarming law-abiding gun owners.  Moreover, this policy is a clear and direct violation of Pennsylvania’s preemption statutes which dictate that only the State Legislature can enact laws pertaining to firearms.  Please attend the next Township Supervisors meeting on Thursday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. to voice your opposition to this illegal and unjustified attack on our rights.  The meeting will be held at the Township Municipal Building located at 893 Mercer Road in Beaver Falls.  If you are unable to attend, please contact the Township Supervisors at (724) 843-5826 and respectfully urge them to oppose this proposal.

Radnor Township Tables Consideration of “Lost or Stolen” Ordinance Until Next Month!  The Radnor Township Board of Commissioners has tabled consideration of proposed “lost or stolen” legislation until Monday, March 22.  This proposed ordinance would require gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms within 72-hours or face a fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 90 days in jail.  This proposal not only violates Pennsylvania’s state preemption law, but also potentially turns law-abiding gun owners -- who have already been victimized by theft -- into criminals.  Please continue to contact the members of the Radnor Township Board of Commissioners and respectfully voice your opposition to this unwarranted, unjust and illegal proposal.  For contact information, please click here.

TENNESSEE:  Pro-Gun Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk!  On Wednesday, February 17, the Tennessee Senate unanimously passed House Bill 2376.  The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Phil Bredesen (D) for his consideration.  Sponsored by State Representative David Shepard (D-69) and State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), HB2376 would prohibit the destruction of confiscated firearms and require them to be auctioned off or sold to a federally licensed firearms dealer.  Proceeds from the sale of these firearms are to be used for the benefit of law enforcement agencies.  Please contact Governor Bredesen today and respectfully urge him to sign HB2376 into law.  The Governor can be reached by phone at 615-741-2001 or email [email protected].

VIRGINIA:  Four Pro-Gun Bills Heading to the Governor’s Desk!  On Monday, March 1, the Virginia State Senate voted to approve four NRA-supported bills; House Bill 8, House Bill 637, House Bill 871 and House Bill 1256. These bills will now go to the desk of Governor Bob McDonnell (R) for his consideration.  To learn more about these bills and how you can contact the Governor on their behalf, please click here.


Virginia House Repeals Ban on Concealed Carry in Restaurants!  On Tuesday, March 2, the Virginia House of Delegates voted to approve Senate Bill 334 by a margin of 72 to 27. The measure previously passed in the Senate on February 16, by a vote of 22 to 18 and will now be sent to Governor Bob McDonnell’s (R) desk for his consideration.  SB334 would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense in restaurants that serve alcohol, provided they do not consume alcohol. Senator Hanger’s bill would make it a misdemeanor for a permit holder to consume alcohol while on the premises of the restaurant.  Please contact Governor McDonnell and respectfully request he sign Senate Bill 334 and bring Virginia in line with 40 other states that allow some form of concealed carry in restaurants.

“Castle Doctrine” Legislation Defeated in Senate Committee  In another sign that the Senate Courts of Justice Committee is out of touch with the common beliefs of the citizens of Virginia, a bill designed to codify the common law principle known as the “Castle Doctrine,” was defeated by a vote of 9 to 6.  House Bill 854 would have provided immunity from civil prosecution if someone used force, including deadly force, to defend themselves and their loved ones if attacked in their home by someone who has entered unlawfully. This is just another example of the difference between the House and Senate chambers in Virginia and how they view our individual rights. The House of Delegates passed HB854 on February 16 by a margin of 75-24.  Please contact the members of the Committee who voted in favor of your self-defense rights and thank them for their support!  Please click here for contact information.


Senate’s Special Sub-Committee Kills Pro-Gun Bills  The special Sub-Committee formed earlier this week to kill firearm-related bills performed its intended goal by defeating a large number of pro-gun bills designed to protect our Second Amendment rights.  Just a few weeks ago, the House of Delegates passed these bills with many garnering strong bi-partisan support.  Despite killing numerous pro-gun bills, the Special Sub-Committee did pass three bills.  Please click here to learn more.

Virginia Department of Forestry Accepting Public Comment on Concealed Carry in State Forests!  The Virginia Department of Forestry is currently accepting public comment on the proposed amendment to Virginia State Forest Regulation 4VAC10-30-170, which would allow concealed carry permit holders who possess a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense within Virginia’s state forests.  Public comments will be accepted by the Virginia Department of Forestry until Friday, April 16.  Please click here to submit comments respectfully urging the Virginia Department of Forestry to amend their Administrative Code and to support the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Virginians.  Also, please attend a public hearing scheduled for Thursday, March 4 at 1:00 p.m. to show your support for this proposed amendment.  The hearing will be held at the Buckingham Agriculture Center Auditorium located at 13360 West James Anderson Highway in Buckingham.  

WEST VIRGINIA:  Sales Tax Holiday Bill Passes House of Delegates  On Friday, February 26, House Bill 4521, "The Second Amendment Appreciation Act" was passed by an overwhelming bi-partisan majority in the West Virginia House of Delegates.  This bill would allow for an annual sales tax exemption on all firearm purchases during the first weekend in October.  HB 4521 now awaits action in the Senate Finance Committee.  Please call your Delegate and thank him or her for their support of HB 4521.  Stay tuned for more alerts as this bill makes its way through the Senate.  To contact your legislator, click here.

WISCONSIN:  Castle Doctrine Remains Stagnant in the Badger State!  With the end of last week’s floor session, the Assembly Democrat Leadership missed yet another opportunity to schedule the Castle Doctrine bill, Assembly Bill 193, for a floor vote. A similar bill passed the Assembly unanimously on a voice vote in 2007, so there is a history of support in the Assembly. Wisconsin citizens' right to self-defense should not be ignored for political reasons.  AB 193 would help restore the basic right of self-defense that all Americans are entitled too.  Under this bill, if a person used defensive force that was intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm, the court must presume that the person reasonably believed that the force was necessary. While the Wisconsin State Constitution already recognizes self-defense as a guaranteed right, this bill would further clarify it.  Please contact your State Representative today and respectfully urge him or her to schedule AB 193 for a vote.  Contact information for your legislators can be found here.

WYOMING:  Carry Reform Bill Heading to the Governor!  On Friday, February 26, the Wyoming State House passed Senate File 26 on third and final reading.  The bill will now move to the desk of Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) for his consideration.  SF 26 would reform Wyoming’s concealed weapons permit laws regarding eligibility, reciprocity, and issuance of permits. This bill would limit the Attorney General’s ability to determine reciprocity by taking away his/her power to determine if that state has similar laws authorizing permits.  It is critical that we respectfully urge Governor Freudenthal to sign SF 26. Contact information can be found here.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.