With NRA Support,
Chicagoans Challenge New City Gun Law
Barely a week after the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago, NRA is supporting a new lawsuit -- Benson v. City of Chicago -- to enforce the court's decision. The suit, filed on July 6 against the city and its mayor, Richard Daley, is the first to challenge the city's new gun control ordinance passed on July 2 (please see related story from last week's Grassroots Alert here).
Just four days after the Court struck down the nearly 30 year-long handgun bans in the cities of Chicago and Oak Park, Chicago enacted one of the most restrictive anti-gun ordinances in the United States. Commenting on the scope of the new ordinance, Corporation Counsel Mara Georges, the top attorney for the city, said, "We've gone farther than anyone else ever has."
The city's so-called "Responsible Gun Ownership Ordinance" provisions include: a ban on all gun sales in the city; a ban on possession of firearms for self-defense outside the "home" -- even on a patio or in an attached garage; a ban on having more than one assembled and operable firearm in the home; a provision that allows the Chicago police to arbitrarily ban "unsafe" handguns based on unlimited criteria; and a training requirement to obtain a Chicago Firearm Permit. (However, range training would be impossible since it will now be unlawful to operate a shooting range within city limits.)
Watch NRA's New Ad Opposing Elena Kagan's Confirmation to U.S. Supreme Court: On July 1, NRA announced its strong opposition to the confirmation of Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court in a letter to the U.S. Senate.
Both her political career in the Clinton Administration and her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee make it clear that Kagan would be a serious opponent of our Second Amendment Rights.
Federal Open Fields Program to Expand Hunting Opportunities Nationwide: NRA is pleased to report that the federal Open Fields Initiative is now in effect and grant money is available through the United States Department of Agriculture for state and tribal governments interested in enrolling in the program, or expanding their existing Open Fields program. NRA has been working on this effort to increase opportunities for hunters and compensate private landowners on the national level for more than a decade.
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
CALIFORNIA: Long Gun Registration Bill Moving Forward On June 29, two very dangerous anti-gun bills were up for consideration in Sacramento. Assembly Bill 1810 was passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee by a vote of 4-2. The bill now heads to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration. AB1810 would establish a registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired long guns. Under AB1810, the make, model and serial number of the firearm as well as the identifying information of the purchaser would be recorded and kept on file by the California Attorney General's office. Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose AB1810. Contact information for the committee can be found here. Also on June 29, Assembly Bill 2223 was defeated by a 3-3 vote in the Senate Natural Resources Committee. AB2223 would have outlawed the use of lead shot when shooting or hunting in state-run wildlife management areas. There is no scientific evidence justifying this proposed ban. It was intended only to discourage hunting in California and that is why the Humane Society of the United States was pushing for it. Thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call and voiced their opposition to AB2223. Without you, this victory would not have been possible.
Open Carry Ban Moving Forward On Tuesday, Assembly Bill 1934 (Open Carry Ban) was passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee. The bill now heads to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration. Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose AB1934. Contact information can be found here.
Important Pro-Hunting Bill Advances in Sacramento! On June 29, the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee passed Senate Bill 1179. The bill now heads to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration. SB1179 would require that the Department of Fish and Game to establish two free hunting days per year where unlicensed hunters can hunt so long as they are accompanied by someone who is licensed. This legislation promises to help recruit the next generation of hunters by allowing novices to try their hand at hunting without being required to purchase a license. Please contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and respectfully urge them to support SB1179. Please click here for contact information.
Attend Upcoming Event with Stephen Halbrook and Donald Kilmer: The Supreme Court and the Battle for Second Amendment Rights: Where Do We Go from Here?
In June 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling on the Second Amendment in its District of Columbia v. Heller decision. Two years later, on June 28, 2010, a second, historic, 5-4 decision by the Court in McDonald v. Chicago upheld the Fourteenth Amendment as the guarantor of Second Amendment rights at all levels of government, just as its framers intended. Now, where do we go from here?
Join Independent Institute Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook (constitutional scholar and author of Securing Civil Rights: Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms and The Founders' Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms, both of which were cited in the Heller and McDonald decisions), and Donald E. Kilmer, Jr. (Professor of Constitutional Law, Lincoln University and attorney at law), as they discuss the Second and Fourteenth Amendments and what it means to take the Bill of Rights seriously.
Dr. Halbrook's commentary on the background of the important McDonald ruling appeared in The Washington Examiner, and his earlier amici curiae Brief in the Heller case was filed on behalf of 55 members of the Senate, the Senate President, and 250 members of the House of Representatives.
The event will be held at The Independent Institute Conference Center, 100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428 (Map and Directions) on Thursday, July 22, 2010. There will be a reception starting at 6:30 p.m., with the program starting at 7:00 p.m. There will be a Q&A session following the program. For ticket pricing, or to reserve tickets online, please click here, or contact Ms. Nichelle Beardsley by phone at (510) 632-1366 x118, or by e-mail at [email protected].
LOUISIANA: Two Pro-Gun Bills Become Law On June 30 and July 6, respectively, Governor Bobby Jindal (R) signed Senate Bill 534 and House Bill 556 into law. These bills will go into effect on August 15. SB 534 will allow for possession and transportation of lawfully-possessed firearms in Louisiana's state parks, historic sites, preservation areas, wildlife refuges, and wildlife management areas. In addition, it will allow gun owners to carry a firearm for self-defense in national parks and wildlife refuges located in Louisiana. HB 556 will exempt concealed carry permit holders from the ban on carrying within 1,000 foot "Gun Free School Zone." Before HB 556, state law prohibited any individual, even a concealed carry licensee, from possessing a firearm within 1,000 feet of any school property. An individual did not have to know that he or she was within the 1,000 foot zone, and the penalty for violation of this statute was a felony. Many thanks to all of the NRA members who contacted Governor Jindal and their state legislators during this process. Also, thank you to the Louisiana Shooting Association for their dedicated effort in helping to pass House Bill 556. Please thank Governor Jindal and your state legislators today for their hard work and support for these pro-gun measures, SB 534 and HB 556. For contact information, please click here.
MASSACHUSETTS: Governor Patrick's Anti-Gun Bill Could be Voted on Soon! Governor Deval Patrick's (D) anti-gun bill is currently awaiting consideration in the House Ways and Means Committee and it could be voted on as early as next week. Among other things, House Bill 4102 would limit lawful firearm purchases to one per 30-day period and require the private transfer of all firearms, even those between family and friends, to be conducted through a federally licensed firearms dealer. If enacted, H.4102 would have disastrous effects on the Second Amendment rights of Massachusetts' law-abiding gun owners. Please contact the members of the House Ways and Means Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose House Bill 4102. A roster of the committee members and their contact information can be found here.
MISSOURI: One Gun Bill Signed Into Law, One Gun Bill Remains on Governor's Desk! On the evening of Friday, June 25, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (D) signed House Bill 2081 into law. House Bill 2081, sponsored by State Representative Jeanie Riddle (R-20), specifies that a pregnant woman may use deadly force if she reasonably believes that deadly force is necessary to protect her unborn child against death, serious physical injury, or any forcible felony. Under current Missouri law, a pregnant woman can be criminally charged if she uses deadly force to protect her unborn child when violently attacked. However, since being transmitted to him on May 25, House Bill 1692 remains on Governor Jay Nixon's (D) desk, awaiting consideration. HB1692, introduced by State Representative Jason Smith (R-150), contains numerous pro-gun provisions, such as: expanding Missouri's "Castle Doctrine" protections to any property boundaries one leases or owns; capping the sheriff's fee at $10 for permit holders who change addresses; and clarifying the term "intoxicated with a firearm," so that a person cannot be charged with a felony if he or she possesses firearms in the home while intoxicated. This provision also extends to self-defense. HB1692 would also allow a prosecutor with a Right-to-Carry permit to carry in a courthouse, and with the judge's permission, in the courtroom as well. If signed, the bill would also bring Missouri's gun laws into compliance with federal law exempting antique firearms from "unlawful possession" citations. It is important that self-defense legislation like HB1692 be signed into law. Please contact Governor Nixon and respectfully urge him to sign HB 1692. The Governor can be reached by phone at (573) 751-3222 or visit http://governor.mo.gov/contact/ to send email.
NEW YORK: Please Thank Senators for their Opposition to Micro-stamping Bill Although the New York State Senate laid aside Senate Bill 6005, the micro-stamping bill, and expunged the vote previously taken this session, the possibility remains that lawmakers could still bring up S6005 for a vote on the Senate floor. If you haven't done so already, please contact the Senators who voted against S6005 and thank them for opposing the bill! A list of Senators and their contact information can be found by clicking here.
NORTH CAROLINA: HSUS Continues to Unfairly Target Breeders in North Carolina! The anti-hunting extremists at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) have turned up the pressure on the North Carolina House Finance Committee in an effort to pass Senate Bill 460, or another bill to which they can attach its language. Time continues to run out on their ability to pass this attack on responsible dog breeders, including those that breed dogs for hunting. While some have tried to claim that hunting dogs will not be affected by this bill, the statement is completely false. All breeds of dogs will be affected. There are a handful of legislators on the Finance Committee who have not yet committed to NRA their position on this bill, and they need to be contacted AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and asked to oppose S 460, or any other bill that is designed to impose new, unnecessary restrictions on responsible dog breeders. For a list of those legislators and their contact information, please click here.
VIRGINIA: Support Needed for Elk Restoration in the Commonwealth A draft plan for elk restoration and management has been prepared by Virginia's Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The plan is open for public comment until August 1. The Plan and its several restoration options, along with background information, can be found at http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/elk/management-plan. There is a link at the bottom of the page to submit comments. Elk were once a native species of Virginia, but disappeared by the early 1800s. Efforts to restore elk during the last century failed, but with lessons learned the Department is making a renewed effort to return elk to the Commonwealt. The plan is to establish a population of 1,200 elk in the Coalfield counties of Buchanan, Dickenson and Wise by releasing 200 elk over a 3-year period in one suitable 'Elk Release Site'. Based on the experience of elk restoration projects in other states, elk reintroduction has not disrupted white-tailed deer behavior or habitat use patterns, nor has it disrupted white-tailed deer hunting. The Department will proceed with a restoration plan as long as there is strong public support for it. Please take a few minutes of your time to review the plan and send your comments to the Department.
WASHINGTON: Volunteers Needed on July 10 in the Snoqualmie National Forest The U.S. Forest Service is asking for volunteers to assist in a clean-up of garbage and debris left at several shooting sites located in the Greenwater Area on the Snoqualmie Ranger District of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. The areas are becoming filled with a variety of trash, household items, and shooting debris. In order to keep access opened, the areas need to be cleaned and maintained. The Service does not have sufficient staff to do this on its own and is asking for help. Please consider donating some time to this effort. It is one of the major ways that you can help keep Federal lands open to the public for informal target shooting. You are asked to bring trash bags and gloves. If you can join in this volunteer effort and/or have questions, please contact Officer Ian Canaan at 206-510-6496 or email him at [email protected].
Management Plan for Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Addresses Hunting The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The 5,200-acre refuge is situated along the lower Columbia River in Clark County. The draft plan offers 3 different management approaches to the present one, all of which address waterfowl hunting opportunities. The plan may be read online at http://www.fws.gov/ridgefieldrefuges/ridgefield. Public comments will be accepted until July 16th and can be emailed to [email protected]. Please include "Ridgefield NWR DCCP/EA" in the subject line. Hunters can guide the Service in choosing the best management approach by commenting on the areas the Service proposes to keep open and the areas it proposes to close to hunting in the River "S" Unit of the refuge.
WEST VIRGINIA: Comments Needed on Management Plan for Canaan Valley National Refuge The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The 16,000 acre Refuge is located in a high elevation valley in Tucker County and includes the largest wetland complex in the state. The Refuge offers hunting, but the new plan would open more hunter access into the interior of the Refuge and open more land to rifle hunting. All three management alternatives described in the plan would enhance hunting opportunities. The plan can be viewed at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/planning. Click on "Refuge CCP's" and scroll down to Canaan. The Service is accepting public comments until July 16th, and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. Please put "Canaan Valley NWR CCP" in the subject line. For further information, you may call 304-866-3858. It is important to the future of hunting in Canaan that hunters comment on this draft plan. You can be assured that anti-hunters and animal rights extremists will file comments urging the Service to reduce or eliminate hunting in Canaan.