National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced In U.S. House
Last week, H.R. 822, was introduced in the U.S. House by Representatives Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.). The measure would allow any person with a valid state-issued concealed carry permit to carry a concealed firearm in any state that issues concealed firearm permits, or that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms. A state's laws governing where concealed firearms may be carried would apply within its borders. The bill also applies to Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and U.S. territories.
H.R. 822 would not create a federal licensing system. Rather, it would require the states to recognize each others' carry permits, just as they recognize drivers' licenses and carry permits held by armored car guards. Rep. Stearns has introduced such legislation since 1995.
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121 and urge him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 822. Additional contact information can be found using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at
To read more about this legislation, please click here.
BATFE's "Project Gunrunner" Comes Under Additional Scrutiny: We have previously reported on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Project Gunrunner" and its inherent problems. Established in 2007, this program sought to expand the agency's firearm tracing operations to address trafficking to Mexico. A CBS News story this week brought more scrutiny and additional questions to bear on the controversial program.
Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh: The 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27--May 1, 2011, in Pittsburgh, PA. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer.
Hunters' Rights Special Session At NRA Annual Meetings: A Special Session devoted to hunters' rights issues will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 30, 2011, at the NRA's 140th Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA's Facebook And Twitter Groups: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Show your support, stay connected to your NRA-ILA, and raise valuable contributions for our defense of the Second Amendment by downloading and using this free toolbar! Please click here to download your toolbar now!
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
ARIZONA: March 3 Open House to view Northern Arizona Shooting Range Draft Master Plan
As previously reported in an earlier alert, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) will be hosting an informational open house to present the draft master site-plan for the Northern Arizona Shooting Range on Thursday, March 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The meeting will take place at the AZGF regional office in Flagstaff, located at 3500 South Lake Mary Road.
While no formal presentation will be made, this will be an opportunity for people to come and see the latest plans for the proposed range design as well as interact with AZGF staff who will be present to answer questions, take comments, and provide any requested information. While the design is still in the draft stages, AZGF will continue to work towards finalizing plans before presenting them to the AZGF Commission on March 11-12 in Phoenix and will continue to take public comment until March 11.
As plans for the range come closer to being finalized, minority opposition is getting louder. AZGF continues to stand strong in support of the project and fully expects to have the Northern Arizona Shooting Range at Foster Ranch completed by 2013. Please come out to see the draft master plan and thank the AZGF for all their efforts to develop a new shooting range in the state.
Click here to see the official release from AZGF announcing the open house.
For more information on the development of the Northern Arizona Shooting Range, please click here.
Lake Havasu Travel Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Access for Hunters
The Bureau of Land Management is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) to designate the routes that will remain open to the use of motorized vehicles by the public. The Federal lands involved in the TMP are located below I-40 in Arizona and California, north, east, and south of Lake Havasu City, including parts of the California shoreline and south within 5-7 miles of the Bill Williams River. The public comment period on this TMP closes this Monday. Comments may be e-mailed to [email protected] or by completing the comment form on BLM's Arizona State website at Click on Lake Havasu. For further information you may call Myron McCoy at 928-505-1216 or write to [email protected].
The TMP provides four alternatives for motorized access:
Alternative A: No Action. Alternative A describes the current management of BLM-administered public lands in the planning area. The current management would continue to occur if no new decisions are made to alter it.
Alternative B: Protection. Alternative B emphasizes minimal human use and influence, and enhanced protection of remoteness and primitive recreation.
Alternative C: Proposed. Alternative C would provide an optimal balance between authorized resource use and the protection and long-term sustainability of sensitive resources within the planning area.
Alternative D: Access. Alternative D places an emphasis on maximum resource use and a more flexible, permissive resource management approach.
In addition to the effects this TMP will have on recreational access, the BLM does not intend to allow the use of vehicles for game retrieval off designated routes. If you hunt or enjoy other recreational activities on these lands, it is important that you review the maps and comment on how these alternatives will affect your access and ability to retrieve downed game.
FLORIDA: Stopping Privacy Violations & Restoring Concealed Weapons Rights Senate Bill 432 was heard on February 22 in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and passed by a 4 to 1 vote. SB 432would stop anti-gun doctors from asking children and parents if they own guns and then telling them to get rid of their guns. It further stops doctors from denying care to children if the parents refuse to answer questions about gun ownership. This bill is designed to make doctors practice medicine NOT practice gun ban politics in their examination rooms. As a parent or a patient you have a right to protect your privacy about gun ownership. How many guns you own and where they are stored is your personal and private information. To see how your state Senator voted, click here. Senate Bill 234was also on the agenda but was not heard by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. SB 234 would make three much needed changes to the Florida "Right-to-Carry" law -- also known as the Concealed Weapons Licensing law and it would also conform Florida's firearms purchase law with federal law. We will inform you when SB 234 will come up before the Senate Criminal Justice Committee again.
Public Comment Sought on New Refuge Proposed in Central Florida
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing the creation of a new national wildlife refuge that would encompass more than 150,000 acres in portions of Polk, Osceola, Indian River, Okeechobee, and Highlands counties in Central Florida. The proposed Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area is billed as a partnership between federal, tribal, state, and local governments, along with ranchers and other landowners and private organizations. The Service has stated that it will work with willing landowners to acquire the land in a variety of ways, including direct purchase, conservation easements, leases, and cooperative agreements.
It is unknown at this time how this proposal will affect hunting and other public recreation on lands to be acquired. Four public meetings were held to provide the public an opportunity to hear a presentation about the proposal, to ask questions and to submit comments, ideas, and concerns.
The Service will use public comments in the development of the refuge plan. Information about the proposal can be found at Comments can be e-mailed to [email protected]. The comment period closes this Monday, February 28.
IDAHO:Permitless Carry Introduced in the Gem State
The Idaho Senate has introduced Senate Bill 1126 and assigned it to the State Affairs Committee. Commonly known as Permitless Carry legislation, this bill would amend the existing concealed carry law to allow law-abiding Idahoans to carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring an Idaho carry permit. The approval of this legislation would bode well for law-abiding citizens of Idaho who wish to protect not only themselves but family and friends alike. In Idaho today it is generally legal to carry a firearm openly as long as one is at least 18 years of age and not prohibited from possessing a firearm. The intent of this legislation is to give honest people the greatest possible freedom to choose the best method of carry for them, based on attire, gender, and/or physical attributes. Please contact the members of the Senate State Affairs Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB 1126! Committee member contact information can be found here.
Proposed Rule to Allow Take of Wolves in North-Central Idaho
Because wolves are having a devastating impact on elk herds in the Lolo Elk Management Zone, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has requested permission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to lethally take wolves over a five year period in order to reduce predation on elk. Permission is necessary because these wolves are protected by the Endangered Species Act as a "nonessential experimental population." When the designation was made, certain actions were allowed including lethal take by livestock producers to remove problem wolves. It was not contemplated at the time that there would be a need to remove wolves to protect wild game species. Therefore the IDFG needs special approval from the FWS to also deal with problem wolves.
The FWS has released an environmental assessment that asks for public comment on two opposing actions: 1) No Action or 2) Approve Requested Authorization. The rule can be found at . Comments can be submitted on line at In the box that reads "Enter Keyword or ID" enter the number FWS-R1-ES-2011-0009. Check the box that reads "Open for Comment/Submission" and then click the Search button. An icon will appear that reads "Submit a Comment." Deadline for public comment is MARCH 14.
Wolf populations have rebounded since the species was listed and given federal protection. The FWS's efforts to remove, from the Endangered Species list, wolf populations that have recovered has been ensnarled in lawsuits brought by radical environmental groups. In the meantime, wolves are having a huge impact elk populations, and consequently big game hunting. Please take a few minutes to submit a comment to the FWS in support of the "Approve Requested Authorization."
ILLINOIS: Plan to Make Your Voice Heard in Springfield on Thursday, March 10!
Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 10, in Springfield! This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners. Do not miss the largest gun rights rally and Second Amendment lobbying event in Illinois history!
We need thousands of Illinois gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and those who simply wish to defend their right to keep and bear arms to gather at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center - doors will open at 10:30 AM with the program set to begin at 11:45 AM. We will march down Capitol Avenue, rally on the Capitol steps, and then proceed inside to lobby legislators to make our presence known. There will be no mistaking that Illinois gun owners intend to stand up and speak out for our right to keep and bear arms in the state of Illinois! This will be one of the most important days of the year for Illinois gun owners!
For more information on IGOLD 2011, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit, or call the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198.
KANSAS:Right to Carry Reform Bill to be Heard in Senate Committee Next Week!
On Thursday, March 3 the Senate Natural Resources Committee will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 152. This NRA-backed legislation would allow persons licensed to carry a concealed firearm to lawfully carry a firearm with them while hunting. Current law restricts possession during bow season and limits handgun possession to certain legal hunting calibers, effectively prohibiting anyone from carrying a firearm for self-defense. SB 152 would correct a flaw in the law and make the statutes more uniform. Please contact the members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee today and respectfully urge them to support SB 152. Senate contact information can be found by clicking here.
KENTUCKY:Three Pro-Gun Bills Waiting to be Heard in the Kentucky Senate
Important Second Amendment-related bills are waiting to be considered by the state Senate. Your help is needed to make sure these critical bills do not get delayed or fall victim to partisan politics. The NRA-backed bill are: House Bill 1, a Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment, House Bill 308, which provides a pathway to restoring gun-rights, and House Bill 313, which allows for concealed carry in a vehicle's installed compartment. Please contact your state Senator TODAY and respectfully ask him or her to bring up and support HB 1 without anti-hunting amendments, HB 308, and HB 313 prior to adjournment. Contact information can be found here.
MARYLAND:NRA-Supported Bill Defeated in House Committee
On Friday, February 18, the Maryland House Judiciary Committee voted 11 to 8 with one abstention for an "unfavorable" report on House Bill 91. Sponsored by Delegate H. Wayne Norman (R-35A), HB 91 would have added firearms up to $2,000 in value to a list of items exempt from Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings in Maryland. Currently, eleven states have similar exemptions to protect firearms from bankruptcy liquidations and it is time Maryland updated its laws to adequately protect your firearms and right to self-defense. Please contact the members who voted against this "Unfavorable" motion and thank them for standing up to protect your right to keep your family firearm during these difficult economic times.
NEW YORK:Gun Registration and Ownership Tax Introduced in the New York Senate
A bill has been introduced in the New York Senate that would require gun owners to register all of their firearms. Senate Bill 2994 has been referred to the Senate Codes Committee, but currently no hearing date has been set. S. 2994 would require firearms to be registered with a $15 per gun fee. An additional $10 would be charged annually for renewal. This registration legislation would require gun owners to list the serial number and model of every gun they own, in addition to personal information. Gun owners know that criminals will never register their illegally possessed guns and, in fact, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Haynes v. U.S. (309 U.S. 85 (1968)) that since felons are prohibited from owning firearms, compelling them to register their guns would violate their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. In addition, this ill-conceived legislation would constitute a substantial state tax on gun ownership. Historically, these failed registration schemes have also been very costly for jurisdictions to maintain, and they have been completely ineffective. Registration is a dangerous step toward confiscation and an assault on the Second Amendment.
Please contact members of the Senate Codes Committee and respectfully ask them to oppose S. 2994. Contact information for this committee is listed here.
NORTH DAKOTA:Worker Protection Bill Passes Major Hurdle
House Bill 1438 passed in the North Dakota House of Representatives by a resounding 82 to 12 margin on February 21. This legislation has been sent to the state Senate and assigned to the Industry, Business, and Labor Committee for consideration. This victory came despite the aggressive lobbying efforts waged by big business lobbyists who want to strongly restrict stored firearms in locked private vehicles. HB 1438 would allow North Dakota employees to store their firearms in locked personal vehicles on publicly accessible parking lots without fear of being fired. Businesses have no legitimate interest in micromanaging the lawful contents of one's private vehicle.
Powerful big business lobbying groups will continue their onslaught, and the NRA is depending on our members to make their voices heard in defense of the Second Amendment. Please contact the members of the Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee today and let them know that you support HB 1438. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
House Passes NIAA Implementation Legislation
On Wednesday, February 23, House Bill 1269 passed in the state House by a 93 to 0 vote. HB 1269 would implement requirements set forth in the Federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 (NIAA), granting persons who have lost their firearm rights because of a mental health commitment or adjudication a right to petition to have them restored. The NIAA established clear standards for states to use in crafting laws to give persons subject to these prohibitions a means of relief. This legislation, under the guidelines established by the NIAA, would allow a court to grant relief from the federal prohibition upon a finding that the petitioner will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest.
OKLAHOMA:Pro-Gun Bill Approaching Committee Deadline and Needs Your Help!
HB 1652 is currently in the House Public Safety Committee, but has not yet received a hearing. While it may be heard next Wednesday morning, March 2, it has not been scheduled yet. HB 1652 will not be able to move forward if it does not pass out of committee by next week's deadline. House Bill 1652 would expand opportunities for lawful concealed carry by Oklahoma permit holders by deleting technology centers from the list of prohibited places. This bill would also expand "parking lot" protections for firearms legally stored and locked in vehicles in parking lots set aside for use by a governmental authority or for professional sporting events. Please contact the members of the Public Safety Committee today and urge their action on HB 1652. Also, please ask Chairman Sue Tibbs and the committee members to give the bill a hearing and their affirmative vote. Contact information can be found here.
PENNSYLVANIA:Philadelphia Breaking State Firearm Preemption Law Again!
True to its word, on February 17, the Philadelphia City Council unanimously passed Legislative File 100722-A, to close the so-called "Florida Gun Loophole." LF 100722-A states that Philadelphia will not recognize out-of-state carry licenses held by Pennsylvania residents, unless the individual also holds a Pennsylvania concealed carry license. This proposal not only violates Pennsylvania's state firearms preemption but also potentially turns law-abiding gun-owners who are living and traveling in Philadelphia into criminals.
Contrary to what is being suggested, there is no "Florida Gun Loophole." This fictional term makes it sound like anyone who applies for an out-of-state concealed carry permit is committing a crime. This is not the case. Florida and other states that allow non-residents to apply for a concealed carry permit must follow the state's concealed carry law. For example, Florida requires applicants to submit fingerprints, provide proof of competency with a firearm, pass a criminal and mental health background check and pay the appropriate fee. In fact, the Pennsylvania Senate voted down a similar measure last year.
Clearly, LF 10072-A is a violation to Pennsylvania's firearms preemption law and NRA will continue to oppose this action with every possible means.
PennsylvaniaFederation of Sportsmen's Clubs' Spring Convention to be Held March 11-13! You are cordially invited to attend the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs' (PFSC) Spring Convention hosted by the Central Division of the PFSC at the Best Western Country Cupboard Inn in Lewisburg, on March 11–13. The PFSC was formed in 1932 to ensure proper protections of Pennsylvania's wildlife resources, habitat, outdoor heritage and Second Amendment rights. Registration is due March 1. To see an agenda of the PFSC's Spring Convention and registration form, please click here.
SOUTH DAKOTA:House Passes Legislation to Remove Outdated Gun Control Provision
House Bill 1079 passed in the state House on Tuesday, February 22, by a 69 to 0 vote. This legislation has been assigned to the Senate State Affairs Committee. The intent of this provision is to clean up South Dakota's firearm code and to remove provisions that became obsolete with the passage of the federal Firearms Owners' Protection Act (FOPA) in 1986. Originally, the federal Gun Control Act banned interstate sales of firearms, but contained an exception for long gun transactions occurring between federally licensed dealers (FFLs) and residents of contiguous states. Such sales could occur only if "the purchaser's State of residence permit[ted] such sale or delivery by law." FOPA, however, removed both the contiguous states limitation and the requirement that the purchaser's state of residence specifically authorize the purchase. South Dakota has enacted no barriers to interstate sales, so HB 1079 would not change the current law under which South Dakota FFLs can sell long guns to residents of other states that don't limit their residents' right to purchase. South Dakota residents can also buy long guns from FFLs in other states that do not discriminate against non-residents. Please contact members of the Senate State Affairs Committee today and respectfully urge them to support HB 1079. Contact information for committee members can be found here.
TEXAS: House and Senate Versions of Parking Lot Protection Bill to be Heard Soon!
This Monday, February 28, the House Business and Industry Committee will hear House Bill 681, by state Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington). This NRA-backed legislation would prevent employers from enforcing policies against employees who transport firearms in their locked, private motor vehicles while parked at work.
Please contact members of the committee and urge them to support HB 681 and to oppose any hostile amendments to the bill that would exempt certain industry sectors or impose onerous restrictions on employees who wish to store guns in their cars and trucks on company property. Contact information for committee members can be found here.
This Tuesday, March 1, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee will consider SB 321 by state Senator Glenn Hegar, the Senate companion bill to HB 681. Please contact members of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee with the same message, but on behalf of SB 321. Contact information for committee members can be found here.
VERMONT:Legislation to Require Mandatory Firearm Storage Proposed
Sponsored by state Representative Linda Waite-Simpson (D-Essex), House Bill 83 would undermine citizens' right to self-defense by imposing onerous storage requirements on Vermont gun owners, rendering firearms useless in self-defense situations. H. 83 would require households with children to store their firearms unloaded with an installed trigger lock and in a locked container. H. 83 has been introduced and assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. A hearing date has not been set, but please continue to monitor for more updates. Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee and urge them to oppose H. 83. You may leave a message for members of this committee by calling the Sergeant at Arms' office at (802) 828-2228. Additional contact information can be found here.
VIRGINIA: Four NRA-Backed Bills Sent to Governor McDonnell for his Signature!
On February 23, the state Senate unanimously passed three pro-gun bills and sent them to Governor Bob McDonnell for his consideration. The first, House Bill 1552, would provide clarification for the Clerk of Court, staff and concealed carry applicants in regards to the proper issuance of the copy of the temporary certified application. House Bill 1856 would allow a concealed handgun permit holder to obtain a replacement permit in the event that the original permit is lost or destroyed. The last bill, House Bill 1857, would clarify existing law on sale to military personnel by including permanent orders to the Pentagon as valid documentation of residence. For more information on these bills, please click here. Previously, the House of Delegates sent Governor McDonnell Senate Bill 757 for his consideration, after passing it by a 78 to 18 vote. SB 757 would allow private property owners to discharge pneumatic guns on or within private property as long as firing is conducted with reasonable care to prevent projectiles from crossing the property's boundary. Please e-mail Governor McDonnell and respectfully ask him to sign into law HB 1552, HB 1856, HB 1857and SB 757.