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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 18, No. 19 5/13/2011



The National Rifle Association is funding and supporting a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of Illinois' complete and total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home.  The case, filed Friday, May 13, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, is Shepard v. Madigan. The lead plaintiff is church treasurer Mary Shepard; joining her is the Illinois State Rifle Association, the NRA's state affiliate.

Mary Shepard is an Illinois resident and a trained gun owner with no criminal record, who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in two other states.  Because Illinois remains the only state that completely prohibits all law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home, Mary Shepard also became a crime victim. While working as the treasurer of her church, Mrs. Shepard and an 83-year-old co-worker were viciously attacked and beaten by a six-foot-three-inch, 245-pound man with a violent past and a criminal record.  Mrs. Shepard and her co-worker were lucky to survive, as each of them suffered major injuries to the head, neck and upper body.  Mrs. Shepard's injuries required extensive surgery and physical therapy.

H.R. 1865, THE RECREATIONAL LANDS SELF-DEFENSE ACT INTRODUCED:  Urge your Member of Congress to Cosponsor this Important Legislation--On May 12, Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) and Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) introduced H.R. 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act, which is designed to protect the rights of gun owners on lands owned or managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

HEARING HELD ON H.R. 991, POLAR BEAR TROPHY IMPORTATION BILL:  Earlier this year, U.S. Rep. Don Young (D-Alaska) introduced H.R. 991, a bill to allow the importation of polar bear trophies by hunters who had completed their hunts before the Secretary of the Interior changed the listing of all polar bears globally to the status of "threatened."

shirtsA SALUTE TO OUR TROOPS:  NRA-ILA asks that you take a couple of minutes to watch the following salute to our troops.  The special thank you message is brought to you by NRA Life of Duty, a network that serves and supports those who go to work each day to protect, defend and fight for the safety of the American people.  You can watch the video tribute by clicking here.

NRA JOINS AMERICA IN THANKING OUR NAVY SEALS!!!  There are certain points in American history when time stops and everyone remembers where they were.  Some of these are due to tragic events; others to extraordinary achievements. 

URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO COSPONSOR H.R. 822, THE NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY RECIPROCITY ACT OF 2011:  Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.

BATFE REQUESTS COMMENT PERIOD EXTENSION FOR PROPOSED MULTIPLE RIFLE SALES REPORTING RULE:  As we previously reported, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives recently republished its proposal to require firearm dealers to report multiple sales of various rifles.  Compared to its initial request in December, which was rejected as an "emergency" request, the new notice clarifies that the proposed requirement would apply only to dealers in four southwestern states, and would apply only to semi-automatic rifles of a caliber greater than .22 (including .223) and that can use detachable magazines.  The notice fails to address the NRA's comments, which pointed out that the agency has no legal authority to demand this information.

FOR CONCEALED CARRY TO BECOME A REALITY, THE NRA NEEDS YOUR HELP!  Due to popular demand for NRA-ILA's grassroots workshops, the NRA's state association Wisconsin FORCE has scheduled three more FREE Workshops to help secure the Right-to-Carry Concealed. It's time for Wisconsin to join free America! 

GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO:  To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here: 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.

ALABAMA:  State Senate Stalls Forever Wild Reauthorization Vote
The state Senate is stalling on House Bill 126 (Forever Wild extension).  House Bill 450 (Fraudulent Firearms Purchase Prevention) passed in the state House on May 5.  Please contact your state Senator and urge him or her to reconsider HB 126 reauthorization and support HB 450.  Both House Bill 445 (Firearms Destruction Prevention) and House Bill 516 (Gun Owner Privacy Protection) are stalled in the House.  Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 445 and HB 516. 

COLORADO:  2011 Legislative Session Comes to a Close
Colorado's 2011 legislative session adjourned on May 11.  Unfortunately, three pro-gun bills were defeated:  Senate Bill 53 (state of disaster/emergency), House Bill 1205 (permitless carry), and Senate Bill 77 (include businesses in self-defense law).  Senate Bill 208 (combine State Parks and the Division of Wildlife under the Department of Natural Resources) is awaiting action by Governor John Hickenlooper. 

ILLINOIS:  Senate Executive Committee Vote Imminent on Firearm Owners Identification Card FOIA Exemption Bill
House Bill 3500 has been sent to the state Senate Executive Committee for a hearing and will be voted on soon.  This legislation would ensure that the personal information of people who have applied for or received a Firearm Owners Identification Card shall not be disclosed.  Please contact members of the Senate Executive Committee and urge their support of HB 3500!

INDIANA:  Five New Pro-Gun Laws Take Effect on July 1, 2011
Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law five pro-firearm bills:  Senate Enrolled Act 506 (Transport Permit Reform), Senate Enrolled Act 292 (Firearm Preemption Reform), Senate Enrolled Act 94 (Non-Contiguous State Firearm Purchase), Senate Enrolled Act 411 (Parking Lot), and Senate Enrolled Act 154 (allows loaded firearms on off-road vehicles on private property if the person has permission to be on the property).  Please thank Governor Daniels, Senate President Pro Tempore David Long (R-16), House Speaker Brian Bosma (R-88) and the authors and sponsors of these gun bills for supporting your Second Amendment rights! 

LOUISIANA:  Senate Judiciary Committee B Passes Bill to Remove Outdated Gun Control Law
On May 10, the Senate Judiciary B Committee passed Senate Bill 39, which would clarify that Louisianans may purchase a long gun in any state, and allow a citizen of any other state to purchase a long gun in Louisiana, so long as both states allow such purchases.

MAINE:  Two Pro-Gun Bills Pass in the Joint Criminal Justice Committee
Legislative Document 35 (employee protection) and Legislative Document 1347 (expands right-to-carry) were voted "Ought to Pass" by the Joint Criminal Justice Committee on May 6.  These bills are expected to be voted on soon in the state House.  Please contact your state Representative and state Senator and urge them to support LD 35 and LD 1347. 

MINNESOTA:  Comprehensive Firearms Reform Bills Need Your Help!
Last week, the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee passed Senate File 1357, which would improve firearm policy regarding Stand Your Ground, Universal Recognition, and Emergency Powers Reform.  SF 1357 and its House companion bill, House File 1467, are now on the floor calendars and awaiting a floor vote.  These bills must pass by the deadline of Monday, May 23 in order to have of chance of becoming law this year.  Please contact leadership in both the Senate and the House and urge them to bring these important pro-gun bills to their respective floors for consideration.

MONTANA:  Governor Vetoes Permitless Carry Bill
On May 10, Governor Brian Schweitzer vetoed House Bill 271, the permitless carry bill.  Please contact Governor Schweitzer today and express your disappointment at his veto of House Bill 271 and the misinformation on which this veto was based!

NEVADA:  Long Gun Legislation Awaits Governor's Signature
Assembly Bill 217 is awaiting action by Governor Brian Sandoval.  AB 217 would allow residents of non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in Nevada as well as allow Nevada residents to purchase long guns in non-contiguous states.  Please contact Governor Sandoval and ask that he sign into law this important legislation. 

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Families Afield Legislation Signed into Law
House Bill 206 was signed into law by Governor John Lynch on May 9 and will become effective on January 1, 2012.  HB 206 will allow an apprentice hunting license to be issued to a person who has not completed a hunter education program.

NEW YORK:  Micro-Stamping Legislation Amended on Third Reading
On May 10, Assembly Bill 1157 was heard and amended on third reading by the state Assembly.  A1157 would mandate micro-stamping on all new semi-automatic pistols sold in New York after January 1, 2013.  Please contact your Assemblyman and urge him or her to OPPOSE A1157. 

OHIO:  Two Pro-Gun Bills Pass in State House and Head to Senate
On May 11, two pro-gun bills passed in the state House and are now headed to the state Senate.  House Bill 45 is an important self-defense reform bill that would simplify where once can carry with a permit.  House Bill 54 would allow individuals a pathway to restore firearm rights. 

OKLAHOMA:  Legislature Still Working on Parking Lot Expansion Bill
On May 10, the House Conference Committee on Public Safety, Judiciary and Military Affairs passed House Bill 1652, the Parking Lot/Employee Protection expansion bill. This measure must now face approval by the Senate conference committee before it can receive a full floor vote by either chamber.  Please contact members of the Senate conference committee to urge their support of HB 1652.

TENNESSEE:  Handgun Carry by University Faculty and Staff Bill Referred to Subcommittee
Senate Bill 399 has been assigned to the General Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  SB 399 would allow all full-time college and university faculty and staff with a Handgun Carry Permit to carry handguns on campus.  Also, House Bill 2016, the companion bill, has been held in the House Judiciary Committee for summer study. 

VIRGINIA:  Governor McDonnell Confirms Changes to Allow Lawful Carry of a Firearm in State Forests!
On May 6, Governor Bob McDonnell approved changes that will permit law-abiding Virginians to carry a firearm in State Forests, either concealed carrying by those who possess a concealed carry permit, or open carrying for anyone in lawful possession of a firearm.  Please contact Governor McDonnell and thank him for improving Virginia's regulatory environment for lawful firearm owners!

VSSA's 13th Annual Crush'n Clays® 
The Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA) is hosting the 13th Annual Crush'n Clays® event on June 11, 2011.  The clay target event benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and, over the last 12 years, has raised more than $230,000 for the charity.  The event will be held at the Arlington-Fairfax Izaak Walton League of America (http://arlingtonfairfax-iwla.org/) range in Centreville, VA. Shooting slots are still available but hurry because the event has sold out the last three years.  Crush'n Clays® is the longest running clay target event of its type and the longest running event supporting St. Jude Children's Hospital.  NRA is a long time sponsor of the event along with many other businesses and organizations.  You can find more information, as well as register to participate in the event, at http://www.myvssa.org/content/crushn-clays


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.