Obama Administration Plans New Gun Control
As we pass the six-month anniversary of the tragic Tucson shooting, multiple press reports indicate the Obama administration is planning to unveil new, but unspecified, gun control initiatives.
At a Thursday briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, "As you know, the President directed the Attorney General to form working groups with key stakeholders to identify common-sense measures that would improve Americans' safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights. That process is well underway at the Department of Justice with stakeholders on all sides working through these complex issues. And we expect to have some more specific announcements in the near future."
Carney provided no further details on the initiatives, but he isn't the only one saying something is in the works. According to a related article on NPR.org, U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) said, “I have spoken to the president. He is with me on [gun control], and it's just going to be when that opportunity comes forward that we're going to be able to go forward.” And longtime anti-gun activist Sarah Brady has said that in March, the president told her “I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control] ... We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
Rest assured we'll report any significant developments in the weeks ahead.
WISCONSIN GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER SIGNS HISTORIC RIGHT-TO-CARRY LEGISLATION INTO LAW: On July 8, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox joined Governor Scott Walker (R) as he signed the Wisconsin Personal Protection Act into law. This makes Wisconsin the 49th state to give law-abiding citizens an option to carry a concealed firearm for personal protection.
“FAST AND FURIOUS”: BATFE DIRECTOR STARTS TALKING, WHILE WASHINGTON POST KEEPS SPINNING: Some of the firearms straw-purchased in Arizona for Mexican drug cartels, and allowed to “walk” by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious, may have been paid for with taxpayer money, by paid informants of the Drug Enforcement Administration and FBI, according to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
SURVEY SHOWS NRA MORE POPULAR THAN NEA: According to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports and reported on Newsmax.com, the National Rifle Association is significantly more popular than the nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association.
NEW NRA LIFE OF DUTY PROGRAM HONORS AND ASSISTS THOSE WHO PUT THEMSELVES IN HARM’S WAY: NRA recently announced the launch of a bold program created exclusively for America’s military and law enforcement personnel. Called “NRA Life of Duty,” the initiative encompasses a new class of sponsored NRA membership, a state-of-the-art on-line network and a digital magazine—designed for those who make their living defending the American way of life.
NRA TO ATTEND U.N. ARMS TRADE TREATY NEXT WEEK--Urge Your U.S. Senator To Sign Sen. Moran's Letter To The President Opposing The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty: NRA will be in full attendance at the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) “Preparatory Committee” meeting in New York, next week (July 11-15). The so-called “Prep. Com.” will be laying the ground work for a final negotiation session in 2012. NRA’s message will be simple and strong – an ATT which in any way, shape or form affects the constitutional rights of American gun owners is simply unacceptable. Civilian firearms must not be within the scope of an ATT. There will be no compromise on this crucial point.
HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES TO BE EXPANDED ON NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES IN EIGHT STATES: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is proposing to open Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota to deer and turkey hunting for the first time, while expanding hunting activities at nine other refuges in eight states. These states include: Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Minnesota, Iowa, Utah and Texas. If approved, the proposal would provide additional public hunting opportunities in fulfillment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997.
Please let the Service hear your voice of support for this rulemaking. To comment on the proposed hunting rule changes online, or to read the full text of the rule go to www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FWS-R9-NSR-2011-0038-0001 Comments can be submitted by clicking on the orange box in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The comment period closes August 4, 2011.
GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO: To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERbct9-nvNc
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
Hunting Opportunities to be Expanded on National Wildlife Refuges in Eight States
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is proposing to open Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota to deer and turkey hunting for the first time, while expanding hunting activities at nine other refuges in eight states. These states include: Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Minnesota, Iowa, Utah and Texas. If approved, the proposal would provide additional public hunting opportunities in fulfillment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997.
Please let the Service hear your voice of support for this rulemaking. To comment on the proposed hunting rule changes online, or to read the full text of the rule go to www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FWS-R9-NSR-2011-0038-0001 Comments can be submitted by clicking on the orange box in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The comment period closes August 4, 2011.
CALIFORNIA:Long Gun Registration Bill to be Heard this Monday in Sacramento
The state Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to hear Assembly Bill 809, long gun registration, this Monday, July 11. It is critical that you contact members of the state Senate Appropriations Committee TODAY to OPPOSE AB 809. This bill must be stopped.
DELAWARE:Anti-Gun “Buy Back” Legislation Sent to the Governor
On June 30, Senate Bill 25 passed in the state House by a 21 to 19 vote, with one person not voting. This legislation had been pulled from committee - after previously being tabled - and brought to the House floor for consideration in a final effort before session ended for the year. SB 25 will now be sent to Governor Jack Markell (D) for his consideration. Please contact Governor Markell and urge him to veto this irresponsible and wasteful legislation.
IOWA: Make Plans to Attend the Second Annual "Second Amendment Rally" hosted by the Iowa Firearms Coalition and the NRA
This event will take place on July 23, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., at Big Springs Range Complex, 4945 Hwy 146, in Searsboro. The event will feature an NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop, shooting, training, pro-Second Amendment lawmakers and speakers, and more! The event is free to attend and range fees will be waived with IFC or NRA membership. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.iowafc.org/2arally.
ILLINOIS: Firearm Owners Identification Card FOIA Exemption Bill Signed into Law
On July 2, Governor Pat Quinn (D) signed House Bill 3500 into law. This new statute makes the necessary reform to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ensure that the personal information of those who have applied for or received a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card shall not be disclosed unless necessary as part of a criminal investigation.
MISSOURI: Governor Jay Nixon Still Needs to Take Action on Omnibus Pro-Gun Bill!
On May 13, House Bill 294 was passed in the Missouri General Assembly and sent to Governor Jay Nixon (D) for his signature. House Bill 294 is a comprehensive firearm reform bill that would address a number of Right-to-Carry issues important to Missouri’s law-abiding gun owners. Please contact Governor Nixon and ask him to sign HB 294 into law before the July 14 deadline!
NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop In Sedalia, Missouri On August 9th! Join NRA-ILA staff on Tuesday, August 9th, for an evening of important grassroots education. With what has already been a very busy 2011, we must redouble our efforts to ensure we're prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges we will face in Missouri. Please make plans to attend NRA-ILA's FREE Grassroots Workshop to learn what you can do to become a better activist in the fight to protect and promote the Second Amendment!
All events will take place at:
Best Western
3120 S. Limit
Sedalia, MO 65301
In order to ensure that gun owners are fully engaged in the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights, NRA-ILA Staff will discuss how you can take on an even more active role in your community to advance and protect our freedoms. NRA-ILA will provide you with the materials and strategies needed to educate, empower, and engage your fellow gun owners. Please encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to attend, as well. All food, beverages, and materials are FREE!!
6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Snacks and Registration
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop
Please RSVP at /workshops/Register.aspx?ID=SedaliaMO2011 or call 800-392-VOTE (8683).
Please also be sure to stop by the NRA-ILA Booth at the Missouri State Fair, from August 11-21, located outside the Mathewson Exhibition Center!
NEVADA: Two New Firearm Laws Now in Effect
The first, Assembly Bill 217, allows residents of non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in Nevada and Assembly Bill 282, is a four-point omnibus gun bill. Both bills went into effect on July 1.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Self-Defense Bill Heads to Governor
On June 22, the Conference Committee report for Senate Bill 88 was adopted in the state House and Senate. SB 88, which will strengthen an individual’s right to self-defense, is now headed to Governor John Lynch (D) for consideration. Please contact Governor Lynch and urge him to sign SB 88 into law.
OHIO:Concealed Carry Reform Bill Signed into Law
On June 30, Governor John Kasich (R) signed both Senate Bill 17 and House Bill 54 into law. SB 17 is important concealed carry reform legislation and HB 54 will provide individuals a pathway to restore their firearm rights. Please thank state Senator Tim Schaffer and state Representatives Ron Maag (R-35) and Jarrod Martin (R-70) for sponsoring these pro-gun bills. Also, please thank the companion bill sponsors, state Representative Danny Bubp (R-88) and state Senator Jason Wilson (D-30).
PENNSYLVANIA: Governor Signs NRA-Backed Castle Doctrine into Law
Recently, Governor Tom Corbett (R) signed Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine (HB 40) legislation into law. This common-sense measure permits law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against attackers in their homes and any place where they have a legal right to be. It also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by attackers or attackers' families when force is used.
VIRGINIA: UVA Does Not Have the Authority to Ban Concealed Carry on Campus
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) recently issued an opinion stating that state universities and colleges - such as the University of Virginia - do not have the legal authority to prohibit permit holders from carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense. While this opinion is good news for permit holders, the university or college still has authority over students and staff and actions could be taken to expel students or fire staff, should they violate the school’s policy. Should the school want to make their policy law, they would then be forced to go through the complete administrative process to have an official regulation added to the Virginia Administrative Code.
WISCONSIN: Right-to-Carry A Reality In Wisconsin! Find Out More At Our Upcoming Briefing! Attend a FREE Workshop to learn about the Wisconsin Right-to Carry legislation recently-signed by Governor Scott Walker. During this workshop you will also learn about how you can support the Senators who supported Right-to-Carry during the upcoming recall election.
With Governor Walker’s signing of the Personal Protection Act on Friday, July 8, residents of the Badger State will finally have the ability to defend themselves and their families by carrying a concealed firearm for self defense. In advance of the new law taking effect, NRA-ILA headquarters staff is hosting a series of workshops to provide you with information on what you need to do to obtain your permit and what this new law allows you to do. NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative Nate Nelson will also be in attendance to brief you on volunteer opportunities for the upcoming recall election. We need your help to support the Senators who helped make Right-to-Carry a reality in Wisconsin!
We have won a major battle with the enactment of the Personal Protection Act but there is much more to accomplish in the fight for your firearms freedom. The future of other legislative priorities such as the Castle Doctrine is completely dependent on the outcome of this summer’s recall elections. You can help make the difference! These workshops are absolutely free and beverages and light snacks will be provided. Each workshop will run about 60-90 minutes. Please make plans to attend one of our events and encourage your fellow NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to attend as well!
Please plan on attending one of these upcoming workshops!
Here are the details:
Milwaukee (Richfield)
Monday, July 18th
6:30 p.m.
One Cabela Way
Richfield,WI 53076
(262) 628-5700
Fond Du Lac
Tuesday, July 19th
6:30 p.m.
Ramada Plaza
1 N. Main St.
Fond Du Lac, WI 54935
(920) 923-3000
Thursday, July 21st
6:30 p.m.Doxbees’ Banquet & Buffet
N6744 County Hwy. C
Seymour, WI 54165
(920) 833-2924
Friday, July 22
6:30 p.m.
The Orchard Restaurant, Sports Bar & Banquet Facility
(In “The Barn”)
571 Hwy. 63
Baldwin, WI 54002
(715) 688-6666
To register for one of these free events, please visit the link under the location closest to you, or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).
We look forward to seeing you!