ATF Rewards Agents Who Ran
"Fast and Furious" and Then Helped Cover It Up
In what can only be described as "Washington D.C. logic," the three BATFE agents who were responsible for the "Fast and Furious" debacle in Phoenix have been promoted.
You read that right, promoted! Not reprimanded, not demoted and certainly not fired, but given bigger jobs with more responsibility and more pay.
Each of the agents now have high profile positions in D.C. William Newell is now special assistant to the assistant director of the agency's Office of Management, David Voth has been made branch chief for the BATFE's tobacco division.
And if those two promotions seem hard to understand, the third is particularly hard to fathom. William G. McMahon, who had been the BATFE's deputy director of operations in the West, has been made the deputy assistant director of the Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations. That is the division within BATFE that investigates misconduct by agency personnel.
Britain's Criminal Utopia: We reported last week on the recent, catastrophic plight of the United Kingdom's citizenry, as headlines and images of destruction graphically showed a country in the midst of societal breakdown. The rioting, looting, violent assaults, and arson left London and other UK cities looking like war zones.
The current bedlam shows us what a disarmed country looks like and how little is left when free men and women surrender the right to own a firearm.
This week, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox wrote a compelling op-ed on "Britain's Criminal Utopia" for the Daily Caller. To read the piece, please click here.
Administrative Rules Committee Strips Dove Rule of Statewide Traditional Ammunition Ban! The nation was watching this week as the Administrative Rules Committee met to review the Natural Resource Commission's final rule for Iowa's first dove hunting season in nearly a century. In a 9-1 bipartisan vote, legislators overwhelmingly rejected the NRC's underhanded attempt to include a statewide traditional ammunition ban in the final dove rule. This vote allows for a "session-delay" of the lead ammunition ban, meaning the legislature will have to act during the next legislative session to remove the ban from the final dove rule. However, Iowa's first dove season will proceed and will not include a traditional ammunition ban.
Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA's Facebook And Twitter Groups: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
IOWA: Administrative Rules Committee Strips Dove Rule of Traditional Ammunition Ban
On August 16, the Administrative Rules Committee rejected the National Resource Commission's attempt to include a traditional ammunition ban in the final dove rule. This vote allows for a "session-delay" of the lead ammunition ban, meaning the state legislature will have to act during the next legislative session to remove the ban from the final dove rule. Please take a moment to thank the individuals who helped in stopping the traditional ammunition ban.
NEVADA: Sheriffs Jump on Board with the NRA Despite NSCA Director's Missive
The Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (NSCA) tabled a motion that would have authorized a letter to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives asking to re-instate the instant background check exemption for Nevada concealed carry weapons permit holders. Nine of the seventeen county sheriffs have responded favorably and want the request to move forward without delay, but the NSCA Executive Director is not as supportive. Please contact the sheriffs and ask them to urge their Executive Director to send the letter without waiting for the next NSCA meeting.
OHIO: Once again, the Rochester Rod and Gun Club of Rochester Village Ohio will, in alliance with the Firelands Single Action Shooting Society, operate the NRA booth at the Lorain County Fair, running from 8/22/11-8/28/11. This has been both a recruiting success and a public relations big hit. Many people leave our tent with a different opinion of NRA and Second Amendment issues than they came with. Everyone is welcome. This event is held at the Lorain County fairgrounds located in Wellington, Ohio, in southwest Lorain County.
PENNSYLVANIA: Hearing on Sunday Hunting Scheduled for September 15
On September 15, the House Game and Fisheries Committee will hold its second public hearing to consider ending the prohibition on Sunday hunting. This hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the East Allen Township Municipal Building in Northampton. Please contact members of the House Game and Fisheries Committee and urge them to support expanding Sunday hunting.
WASHINGTON: Plan for Columbia National Wildlife Refuge of Importance to Hunters
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has drafted a plan to guide management of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge for the next fifteen years. The Refuge is scattered across four counties in the Columbia Basin of east-central Washington near Othello. The management plan is open for public comment until August 28. To view the plan or submit comments, visit