Holder Testifies on “Fast and Furious”
On Thursday, February 2, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee regarding his role in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' gun running operation known as “Fast and Furious.”
During the hearing, Holder continued to deny any foreknowledge of the botched operation. Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House committee, led the charge in questioning Holder on his involvement and knowledge. When Issa asked Holder if he had been briefed on the wiretaps presented in this case, Holder responded, "These wiretaps are very voluminous, read well kinds of things. I have not read them."
The U.S. Attorney General has an obligation to the American people to know what is going on under his watch, but throughout the hearing Holder continuously tried to distance himself from the activities of his staff.
At one point during the hearing, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) told Holder, "You've not taken action, you've not fired anybody, you haven't changed policy, because it's clear you didn't enforce the policy before."
Help Defeat Gun Registration Scheme: “Fast and Furious” was also used as justification to force what amounts to a gun registration scheme. Devised by Holder and the Obama administration, the scheme requires federally licensed firearms retailers in states bordering Mexico to report all sales of two or more semiautomatic rifles within five consecutive business days, if the rifles are larger than .22 caliber and use detachable magazines. Yet, under existing law, the bureau has full access to every record of every firearm transaction by every licensed dealer, whether during a bona fide criminal investigation or simply to enforce compliance with record keeping requirements. This reporting scheme would create a registry of owners of many of today's most popular rifles--firearms owned by millions of Americans for self-defense, hunting and other lawful purposes. Emerging evidence has made it clear that “Fast and Furious” was used as justification to force the multiple sales reporting requirement.
MAIG Super Bowl Super Stunt: Vitriolic anti-gun mayor Michael Bloomberg (I-NYC) and his gun control group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), are paying for their 30 seconds of fame. According to a New York Times piece, Bloomberg will join his gun-grabbing cohort, Mayor Tom Menino of Boston (D), in a Super Bowl-themed ad calling for more gun control laws.
Second Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s in Dundee, MI: Join NRA-ILA Headquarters staff February 10-11th, 2012, for a weekend of important grassroots education for gun owners. 2012 is undoubtedly the most critical election year ever for our Second Amendment rights and we must redouble our efforts to guarantee victory on Election Day. Please make plans to attend NRA-ILA’s FREE Grassroots Workshop and NRA University to learn what you can do to become a better activist in the fight to protect and promote the Second Amendment!
Firearms Law Seminar: The 15th Annual Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 13, 2012, as part of the NRA Annual Meeting. The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for practicing attorneys who represent firearms owners, licensed dealers and gunsmiths, attorneys wishing to expand their practice to such clients, and others having an interest in Second Amendment law. The nationally-renowned faculty will include Stephen Halbrook, Second Amendment attorney and author; Robert Dowlut, NRA General Counsel; Missouri attorney and author Kevin Jamison; Cindy Hill, attorney and author of Brady Denial? You CAN Get Your Guns Back!; Missouri Supreme Court Judge Zel Fischer; and officials from the F.B.I. and A.T.F. The special luncheon speaker will be Lt. Col. Oliver North. Topics to be discussed include: pending litigation; federal firearms prohibitions and the restoration of firearms rights; the 2007 NICS Improvement Act and its implementation; defending outdoor shooting ranges; current legal issues for gunsmiths; gun forfeitures; the National Firearms Act and NFA Trusts.
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
ARIZONA: NRA-Backed Campus Personal Protection Bill Introduced and Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee!
On January 30, state Senator Ron Gould (R-3) introduced Right-to-Carry reform legislation in the Arizona Senate which would enable law-abiding citizens to defend themselves while on the grounds of an institution of higher education. Senate Bill 1474 would prohibit a public university, college, or community college from adopting or enforcing any policy prohibiting the lawful carry of a concealed weapon by a valid concealed permit holder, or regulating the lawful transportation or storage of a firearm on campus.
COLORADO: House Judiciary Committee to Consider Two NRA-Backed Bills
Committee hearings have been scheduled for two important NRA-backed bills that would positively affect law-abiding gun owners in the Centennial State: House Bill 1048 and House Bill 1064. HB 1048 would eliminate the duplicative state-run Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) InstaCheck system. HB 1064 would protect your Second Amendment rights during a declared state of emergency. Both bills will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee next Thursday, February 9, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 107 of the State Capitol.
GEORGIA: Seized Firearms Legislation to be Heard by Senate Committee
This Monday, February 6, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear NRA-backed Senate Bill 350. This hearing will take place at 1:00 p.m. or after Senate adjournment in Room 450 of the State Capitol. SB 350 would mandate municipal, county and state police authorities return all seized firearms, not currently being held as evidence in a criminal investigation, to the lawful owner if able.
Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes Senate
On January 31, NRA-backed Senate Bill 301 passed in the Georgia Senate by a 48 to 5 vote. This legislation now goes to the state House of Representatives for its consideration. SB 301 would allow Georgians to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting.
IOWA: Traditional Ammunition Bill and Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment Progressing in the Hawkeye State!
On February 2, the Iowa House of Representatives passed HJR 2001, legislation to protect your right to use traditional (lead) ammunition by a 73 to 27 vote. Also on February 2, the House Public Safety Subcommittee passed HJR 2005, the Iowa Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment by a 2 to 1 vote. These bills represent two of the NRA’s top legislative priorities this session.
INDIANA: Senate Public Policy Committee Passes Charity Gaming Legislation Crucial to Friends of NRA Events!
On January 25, the Senate Public Policy Committee passed Senate Bill 315 by a 9 to 1 vote. This bill will come up for a vote in the state Senate as early as Monday, February 6. SB 315 will streamline the licensing and reporting process for charity gaming events, such as Friends of NRA banquets. These policy changes would greatly improve the ability of Friends of NRA committees to comply with Indiana charitable gaming laws in a timely and less cumbersome fashion, while protecting the personal information of Friends of NRA volunteers.
Senate Passes NRA-Backed Pro-Hunting Legislation!
On Wednesday, February 1, NRA-backed Senate Bill 243 received final passage in the Indiana Senate by an overwhelming 42 to 8 vote, after adoption of an amendment that clarifies misdemeanor charges for unlawful hunting with a suppressor. SB 243 would allow Hoosiers to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting. Your NRA will continue working to legalize suppressors for hunting, and will keep you updated on SB 243 as it makes its way through the Indiana House.
MAINE: Committee Work Session Scheduled for Two Firearm-Related Bills
Last Monday, the Joint Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee had a public hearing on two firearm-related bills of interest to Maine gun owners. This Monday, February 6, these bills will come back before this committee for a work session. Legislative Document 1623 would prohibit the state from banning a state employee, who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm, from keeping a firearm in his or her vehicle on state property as long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible. Legislative Document 1728 would prohibit Maine’s concealed carry issuing authorities from approving a Maine non-resident permit if the non-resident applicant is from a state whose laws on such permits are substantially equivalent to or less restrictive than Maine law.
MINNESOTA: NRA-Backed Omnibus Bill Sent Back to the Senate Finance Committee!
Last year, the NRA’s top legislative priority in Minnesota was not considered on the state Senate floor before adjournment of the 2011 session. House File 1467 was carried over from last year and was recently re-referred to the state Senate Finance Committee. It was announced that the committee has scheduled a hearing for HF 1467 next Thursday, February 9. This legislation contains provision that would remove your “duty to retreat”, add universal recognition for concealed carry permits and emergency powers reforms.
NEBRASKA: Critical Castle Doctrine Bill Heard in Committee
On January 25, Legislative Bill 804 was heard by the Judiciary Committee. This bill would create a presumption in the favor of a person who uses force against an intruder who has, or is attempting to, unlawfully and forcibly enter a dwelling or occupied vehicle. In such cases, deadly force would be presumed to be necessary for defense of those within the premises.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Right-to-Carry Reform Legislation Needs Your Help
In January 5, House Bill 536 passed in the state House by a 180 to 144 vote and is currently pending consideration in the state Senate. This Right-to-Carry legislation would repeal the existing law that requires a person to have a concealed firearm license in order to carry concealed. However, HB 536 would not eliminate the current permitting system, which will still be required for those who wish to 1) participate in reciprocal concealed carry permit agreements when traveling to other states, 2) be protected in gun-free school zones and 3) be exempt from NICS when purchasing a firearm.
NEW JERSEY: Assembly Committee Puts Hold on Ammo Ban Legislation and More
Thanks to the overwhelming number of phone calls and e-mails from dedicated NRA members, the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee decided to hold Assembly Bill 588 for further study. While this fight is not over, this is a big win for gun owners in the Garden State. During Monday’s hearing, Assembly Bill 1013 passed in the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee with amendments that attempt to address gun owner concerns and has been referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for further consideration.
NEW MEXICO: Pro-Gun Legislation Passes Senate Public Affairs Committee!
Senate Bill 26, sponsored by state Senator Bill Payne (R-Albuquerque), received a “do pass” recommendation in the Senate Public Affairs Committee yesterday. This NRA- and NMSSA-supported legislation would allow New Mexico residents to purchase long guns in non-contiguous states, and residents of non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in New Mexico.
OHIO: Reserve your seats for the 2012 Buckeye Bash and discover the "inside story" behind “Fast & Furious!”
Former NRA President Sandra Froman is the keynote speaker for this year’s event and will reveal what's really going on in the gun-running scandal rocking the Obama administration. Plus, she'll discuss the future of gun rights in America, and the dangers that lie ahead for all of us.
Buckeye Firearms Foundation will be holding this year's fundraiser at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dublin, Ohio, on Saturday, February 11, and they promise that you're in for a treat. Enjoy a great meal, participate in fun games and raffles, and join in on silent and live auctions for great items, like valuable firearms, artwork, collectibles, gun gear, knives, jewelry and more! Click here (http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/Buckeye-Bash) for more information and to get your tickets now!
PENNSYLVANIA: Firearms Preemption Bill Scheduled to be Heard this Monday
The state House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on House Bill 1523 on Monday, February 6. This legislation would strengthen Pennsylvania’s firearm preemption law to further ensure firearm and ammunition laws are uniform throughout the state. If enacted, HB 1523 would help eliminate the need for litigation by gun owners who have been unduly burdened by local ordinances which violate the current state firearm preemption law.
SOUTH DAKOTA: NRA-Backed Employee Protection Legislation Heads to Senate!
On February 1, House Bill 1132 passed in the state House of Representatives by a 49 to 15 vote. This NRA-backed legislation, which would prohibit employers from preventing employees from lawfully storing firearms in their locked personal vehicles, now heads to the Senate for its consideration. Introduced by House Speaker Val Rausch (R-4) and sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8), House Bill 1132 is one of the NRA’s top legislative priorities this session.
TENNESSEE: NRA-Drafted Employee Protection Legislation Introduced
On January 25, Senate Bill 2992 and Senate Bill 3002 were introduced in the Tennessee Senate. The House companion bills, House Bill 3559 and House Bill 3560, were filed on the following day. These NRA-drafted bills would prevent employers from discriminating and enforcing policies against the storage of lawfully-owned firearms in employees' locked private motor vehicles while parked at work. SB 3002 and SB 2992 could be heard as early as Tuesday, February 14 in their respective Senate committees.
VIRGINIA: One-Gun-a-Month Legislation Faces Close Senate Vote Monday, More Action in the House of Delegates
This Monday, February 6, the Virginia Senate is expected to cast its final vote on Senate Bill 323, legislation which would repeal the archaic prohibition of purchasing more than one handgun per month. This vote is expected to be very close so it is important that you continue to contact your state Senator and urge him or her to vote for this legislation on Monday. Originally expected to be voted on Friday, this legislation was passed by for the day and will take place on Monday. To locate your state Senator and their contact information, please click here.
Planning Process Underway for James River National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing a new management plan for the James River National Wildlife Refuge which is located along the James River in Prince George County, eight miles southeast of Hopewell and thirty miles southeast of Richmond. The 4,325-acre refuge is open to deer hunting. The USFWS is inviting public comments to help shape management decisions on the refuge for the next fifteen years. Once a plan is drafted it will be made available for public review and comment. The Service has identified several preliminary issues, concerns, and opportunities, including the amount and distribution of public use. If you want to become involved in the planning process, you may submit comments to [email protected]. Please include “James River CCP” in the subject line. For further information you may call Meghan Carfioli, the Planning Team Leader, at 804-829-5413.
WEST VIRGINIA: Four NRA-Backed Bills Introduced in the Mountain State
Pro-gun West Virginia legislators have introduced four NRA-backed bills already with at least one more bill expected to be introduced in the very near future. SB 149, SB 353 and SB 370 have been sent to the state Senate Judiciary Committee for its consideration. SB 144 has been sent to the state Senate Natural Resources Committee for its consideration. For more information on these bills please click on the above link.