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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 19, No. 34 8/24/2012

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 19, No. 34 08/24/2012

"Fast and Furious" Failure Fosters Favoritism for Finagling Fed

Fox News, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, and The Hill are all over this one, as they should be. It seems that BATFE’s William McMahon, who, as the agency's Assistant Deputy Director for Field Operations approved its catastrophic and deadly “Fast and Furious” operation, is being allowed to receive his six-figure federal paycheck for nearly half a year, while working full-time as investment bank J. P. Morgan’s executive director for global security and investments in the Philippines.

As the Washington Post reports, "McMahon was one of five ATF officials recently singled out in a congressional report on the botched gun operation. The report alleged that McMahon knew that no safeguards were in place to prevent a large number of guns from getting into Mexico, but he made no effort to stop them." Fox News says "The [double-dipping, two-paycheck] arrangement allows McMahon to retire [from the BATFE] in December with a full government pension."



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"Separate but Equal" Housing for University of Colorado Gun Owners?

The University of Colorado may want to check with its law professors on this one. The university system is releasing new Plessy v. Ferguson-like rules that would segregate its gun-owning students from the rest of their peers.

The university system is apparently planning to house students who have Right-to-Carry permits in separate dormitories on its Boulder and Colorado Springs campuses. Guns would be prohibited in other dormitories, as well as at football games, concerts, and other ticketed events.


University Chancellor Nips Anti-Gun Professor's Delusions of Grandeur in the Bud

Here in America, parents pay huge sums of money to get their kids educated, so that America will remain the most exceptional and productive country on Earth. Yet a physics professor at the university—we won't give him the satisfaction of repeating his name, out of regard for Americans of better disposition who have the same name—had the gall to say that regardless of the laws of Colorado, which allow a person with a carry permit to carry firearms on campus, he would adopt a "personal policy" of cancelling an entire class if he discovered that any student in the class was carrying a gun.


Respect for the Second Amendment in Illinois' Largest County

On Tuesday, the Springfield, Illinois, State Journal-Register reported that the state's attorney in McLean County (Bloomington area) announced that he would not enforce certain Illinois gun control laws that violate the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In particular, the county's top prosecutor, Ronald Dozier, singled out the Illinois law that requires a person to possess a Firearm Owners Identification Card to be able to buy a gun.


Preparing Today for Success on Election Day!

The engine that drives the NRA machine is you…and your fellow tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters. The one factor in any campaign that is critical is TIME. Every day we are not working to increase our volunteer ranks is a day lost that we will never get back. As the calendar turns and we get closer to Election Day, things only get more hectic. That is why RIGHT NOW is a great time to ensure you maximize your effectiveness in those crazy days and weeks leading up to Election Day. What should you be doing TODAY to ensure success on November 6? We have some suggestions.


Go All In! Work Locally with Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative

Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative (CFR) is an NRA-ILA staff person who will be living in your area, coordinating our volunteer activities with one goal in mind--ensuring pro-Second Amendment voters turn out to "Vote Freedom First!" on Election Day. Your CFR will be recruiting volunteers to: register voters, make phone calls, knock on doors, generate letters to the editor, distribute candidate information, attend events and turn out the pro-gun vote on Election Day. Please contact your CFR today to find out how you can assist in ensuring pro-freedom lawmakers are elected to office.


Order Your NRA-ILA Yard Signs Now!

It has been estimated that well-placed campaign signs can account for four percentage points on Election Day. Think back to the 2000 presidential election, where 537 votes in Florida separated George W. Bush from Al Gore, and four percentage points seems like a landslide!

While you are focused like a laser beam on the November 6 election, some gun owners may not be aware of what's at stake for the future of the Second Amendment on Election Day.



CALIFORNIA: Dangerous Gun Ban and Confiscation Bill Defeated- But the Anti-Gun Threat Remains

FLORIDA: NRA Orlando Campaign Field Office Grand Opening- Saturday, August 25th!

ILLINOIS: Governor Abuses Amendatory Veto Powers to Propose Semi-Auto Ban

INDIANA: Rumor Control: The Truth About Indiana SB1

IOWA: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to Headline NRA and Iowa Firearms Coalition's Third Annual Second Amendment Rally

MICHIGAN: Repeal of Permit to Purchase and Registration Passes Committee and Goes to Senate

MISSISSIPPI: Recent Attorney General Opinion Could Affect How You Carry Your Firearm for Protection

MISSOURI: Attend a FREE Campaign Kick-Off Open House at the NRA Columbia Campaign Field Office on Saturday, Sept. 15!

NEVADA: UPDATE: NRA Informed that Public Comment WILL Be Taken During Nevada Legislative Interim Committee on "Assault Weapons"

NEW MEXICO: Village of Corrales Councilors Reject Restrictions on Lawful Carrying of Firearms

NEW YORK: Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education presents the 2012 Firearm Civil Rights Conference

NEW YORK: Gun Owners Victorious in New York

OHIO: Attend the NRA Dayton Campaign Field Office Grand Opening- Saturday, August 25th!

PENNSYLVANIA: Attend the NRA Pittsburgh Campaign Field Office Grand Opening- Thursday, August 30th!

TEXAS: Hunting Reforms Take Effect on September 1st

VIRGINIA: Attend a FREE Campaign Kick-Off Open House at the NRA Salem Campaign Field Office on Friday, Sept. 14!

VIRGINIA: Virginia Shooting Sports Association Holds Annual Meeting

WEST VIRGINIA: Attend Tele-Town Hall Meeting on Your Hunting and Shooting Rights

Gun Laws At a Glance Find a Friends of NRA Event

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.