Just over two weeks ago, the U.S. Senate voted 84-12 to advance S. 3525, "The Sportsmen's Act of 2012." However, this week, by a 50-41 vote, the bill suffered a setback when the Senate failed to clear a procedural hurdle and move on to finish work on the bill. There is still time to get this critically important legislation passed, but you must act now!
S. 3525 is an essential piece of legislation focused on the expansion and enhancement of hunting, recreational fishing and shooting on federal public land. But it's more than that.
Of critical importance is the fact that, in addition to promoting land access, S. 3525 would amend the "Toxic Substances Control Act" to prevent this and future administrations from using the Environmental Protection Agency to eliminate the right of hunters, shooters and anglers to use traditional ammunition and fishing tackle. The bill would amend the law to clarify that the EPA does not have the authority to regulate shot, bullets or sport fishing equipment.
In an op-ed that ran this week on the left-wing Huffington Post web site, the Brady Campaign's Dan Gross tried to make the case that the NRA is a weak political force. He based his claims on a study done by the Sunlight Foundation that measured money spent in the election against races won and lost. Because the NRA spent money on important, highly contested races in which we could make a difference, rather than simply backing sure winners, the score NRA received was low. However, in his effort to claim that this means the NRA is without real power or influence, Gross left out a few important facts.
Continuing a dubious record as a champion of freedom in Europe, "the German government plans to launch its complete registry of legal gun owners at the beginning of next year, two years ahead of a deadline set by the EU [European Union]," according to a German website. After all, "Under new EU laws, all member countries are obliged to compile a centralized register."
Meanwhile, Cecilia Malmstrom, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs--leaving to other bureaucrats the tiresome business of preventing the economic collapse of Western Europe--found time instead to muse about the "the harm caused by firearms" and the need for the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.
Do you see a new sight in your future? Enter our NRA Giveaway on facebook and you could win a sight from our friends at Aimpoint! One lucky winner will get to choose between the Aimpoint Micro T-1 or the Aimpoint Hunter Series H34L. You can enter by visiting our facebook page at www.facebook.com/NationalRifleAssociation and clicking on the orange and red “NRA Giveaway” app – it’s right below our cover photo. Please note that this app may not function on all mobile devices.
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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.