NEWS Hillary Clinton Supports Australia-style Gun Confiscation | |
It’s one thing to support gun control. It’s another to make it the centerpiece of a floundering presidential primary campaign. But Hillary Clinton wasn’t finished when she latched onto the idea of opposing the NRA as a means of diverting the nation from the humiliating scandals and poll results plaguing her own bid to succeed Barack Obama. First, she announced to her wealthy supporters that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment,” which demonstrates her opposition to the individual right to keep and bear firearms, including handguns, for self-defense. Now, however, she’s gone even further and echoed President Obama’s references to Australian and British style gun control. |
NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION Tell Your Congressional Lawmakers: No New Federal Gun Control! | |
Recently, we reported on a partisan gun control rally on the Capitol steps that sought to exploit recent tragedy and loss to build momentum for a longstanding agenda. Anti-gun members of the president’s party, always quick to do his bidding, have been emboldened by Obama’s own not-so-thinly-veiled call for confiscatory gun control. This week, the air on Capitol Hill remains thick with rumors of the impending gun control debate. Word is that it may come in the very near future. With local elections days away in several states, the anti-gun, anti-constitution wing of American politics is looking to activate its base. |
NEWS Democratic Debate "Race to the Bottom" on anti-gun posturing | |
On Tuesday, during the first Democratic Party presidential debate, former First Lady, U.S. senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley attacked the NRA by name and called for a renewed push for national gun control. “It’s time the entire country stood up against the NRA,” Clinton said, to wild cheers from the adoring audience on hand. When CNN moderator Anderson Cooper asked the candidates to name the “enemy you are most proud of,” Clinton named the NRA and several unrelated groups, while O’Malley named the NRA alone. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION NRA Applauds U.S. Rep McSally's Introduction of Mental Health Bill | |
Last week, U.S. Representative Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) introduced HR 3722, NRA supported legislation to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens from continued bureaucratic abuse by the Obama Administration while strengthening America’s failing mental health system. McSally’s bill is the House version of the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act, introduced in August in the U.S. Senate by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) as S. 2002. |
NEWS Brady Campaign Labels NRA "Terrorists" | |
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has never had a firm grasp on the English language, as evidenced by the repudiation of their bizarre interpretation of the Second Amendment at the U.S. Supreme Court. However, this week, in an attempt to demonize NRA, Brady Campaign took their hyperbole to a new low, referring to the NRA as “terrorists.” That’s right; according to the Brady Campaign, the grassroots organization comprised of 5 million freedom-loving members that are dedicated to using the democratic process and legal framework to defend the constitutional rights of all Americans are “terrorists.” |
NEWS FBI: Crime Decreased in 2014 | |
Recently, the FBI reported that the nation’s total violent crime rate decreased 0.9 percent from 2013 to 2014, consisting of decreases of one percent in murder and six percent in robbery, and increases of 1.8 percent in rape and 1.3 percent in aggravated assault. Of these four types of violent crime under the Uniform Crime Reporting system, the decreases took place in the two in which guns are more likely to be used than in the two in which guns are less likely to be used. Further indicating that the decrease in violent crime was more emphasized where firearm-related violent crimes are concerned, the percentage of murders committed with firearms decreased 1.6 percent. |
NEWS Those Poor Anti-Gun Researchers | |
In just the last 10 years alone, the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation has donated about $40 million to anti-gun organizations, to conduct research, generate propaganda and develop strategies promoting gun control. That alone ought to be reason enough to toss Mike Stobbe’s recent article lamenting the supposed lack of funds available to researchers who produce “studies” promoting gun control. |
NEWS Israel Public Security Minister: “Citizens trained to use weapons are a multiplying force in our battle against terrorism” | |
Recent reports out of Israel show that that Israeli civilians aren’t taking a recent spate of terrorist violence lying down, they are arming themselves to fight back. Further, the Israeli government is cooperating by taking measures to ensure that more citizens will have access to the tools necessary to protect themselves and their communities. In recent weeks, Israel has experienced a wave of attacks, primarily stabbings, carried out by individual Palestinians against Israeli civilians. According to the Washington Post, as of Wednesday, eight Israelis had been killed and dozens injured in this latest round of violence. The Israeli government has taken drastic measures to combat the attacks, calling up reservists and deploying troops in cities. However, with the unpredictable nature of the violence, civilians are turning to private gun ownership for safety. |
NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION In California, No Amount of Gun-Control Will Ever be Enough | |
In an apparent effort to regain California's place as the most restrictive gun control state in the Union, California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Thursday that he would pursue several anti-gun initiatives for the 2016 ballot. These initiatives would ban and force surrender of common, standard-capacity magazines; require background checks for every ammunition sale; require prohibited persons to surrender their firearms; encourage greater sharing of information with federal law enforcement; and punish gun owners who fail to report lost or stolen firearms. |
TAKE ACTION 2015 NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium | |
The 2015 NRA-ILA "Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium" will be held on Saturday, October 24, at The Hartford Club in Hartford, Connecticut. |
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In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that, during this week’s Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton called our Association of 5 million law-abiding Americans the “enemy,” while Dan Gross, president of the anti-gun Brady Campaign, referred to us as “terrorists.” |