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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 23, No. 42 10/21/2016

Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton: "Reasonable" to Require Guns to be Unusable at Home
Hillary Clinton is lying … again. The candidate who claimed politicians “need both a public and a private position” on policy issues demonstrated that tendency Wednesday night in the final presidential debate in a desperate bid for damage control on a statement she made in a private meeting with wealthy donors.
More Clinton Leaked Emails Detail Devotion to Executive Gun Control
More Clinton Leaked Emails Detail Devotion to Executive Gun Control
More emails from Hillary Clinton campaign staffers were made public by WikiLeaks this week, granting insight into the campaign’s deceptive attacks on your rights and the extent to which Clinton is in league with the country’s most powerful anti-gun forces. Further, the emails provide more information about Clinton’s insistence on pursuing gun control by executive order.
Armatix Plans 9mm “Smart Gun” for U.S. Market
Armatix Plans 9mm “Smart Gun” for U.S. Market
On Wednesday, Computerworld reported that gun maker Armatix plans to bring a 9mm “smart” handgun, dubbed the iP9, to the U.S. market in 2017. The iP9 is Armatix’s second offering for the U.S. market.  NRA does not oppose the development of so-called “smart gun technology,” however, NRA does oppose efforts to mandate that this technology be integrated into firearms.
Saddling Citizens With “All Hat, No Cattle” Laws
Saddling Citizens With “All Hat, No Cattle” Laws
Our Texas friends have a saying about big talk but no substance: “all hat but no cattle.” 
Show Your Support—NEW NRA Yard Signs Available!
Show Your Support—NEW NRA Yard Signs Available!
Show your support for NRA and the Second Amendment this election cycle by purchasing an NRA yard sign.  With everything that is at stake this year, including the Presidency, the balance of the U.S. Senate and the makeup of the Supreme Court for generations to come, there has never been a greater need to support NRA and NRA-PVF endorsed candidates than right now.  
Work Locally with Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative
Work Locally with Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative
Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative (CFR) is an NRA-ILA staff person who is living in your area, coordinating our volunteer activities with one goal in mind--ensuring pro-Second Amendment voters turn out to "Vote Freedom First!" on Election Day. 
Wayne LaPierre | An Urgent Message to the NRA's 5 Million Members
Wayne LaPierre | An Urgent Message to the NRA's 5 Million Members

NRA Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre looks at what eight years of a Barack Obama presidency has done to our once-great nation. And he warns what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. "She will launch an all-out war on the Second Amendment," declares LaPierre. "There is no red line President Hillary Clinton will not cross when it comes to attacking your rights and forcibly taking your guns."LaPierre states the only thing that can stop Clinton is the five million members of the National Rifle Association. History's most committed, most elite defenders of freedom are the special forces that swing elections, he notes. The NRA chief calls for members to stand shoulder-to-shoulder on November 8 and fight for a shared dream that America can—and will—be great again. Watch more from Wayne LaPierre on NRATV: https://www.nratv.com/series/wayne-lapierre

NRA Launches New Ad Emphasizing Importance of Supreme Court in Presidential Election
America's Liar
America's Liar

We shouldn't let anybody lie their way to the presidency.


Indiana Indiana
Indiana: Support the Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment!
Michigan Michigan
Michigan: Anti-Gun Lawmakers Introduce Gun and Magazine Ban Legislation

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.