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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 25, No. 7 2/23/2018

Tell Your Lawmakers TODAY: Punishing Law-Abiding Gun Owners is Not the Answer
Tell Your Lawmakers TODAY: Punishing Law-Abiding Gun Owners is Not the Answer
Even as the nation was grieving the terrible loss of life in Parkland, Fla., gun control activists were doing what they do best: exploiting tragedy to advance their political agenda.  Gun control activists are pushing a message that you are to blame for the criminal violence that took place last week. They’re attempting to capitalize on this tragedy to convince members of Congress to vote for their gun control wish list.  Proposals to ban the most popular rifles in America, arbitrarily limit magazine capacity, require a waiting period on all firearm sales, and restrict the right of law-abiding young adults to acquire rifles and shotguns have been suggested as “solutions” by those who wish to curtail the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Legislation encompassing these proposals could be voted on in the U.S. Congress in the coming weeks. That’s why it’s imperative that you contact your U.S. Senators and Congressional Representative today and ask them to oppose all gun control schemes that would only impact law-abiding gun owners. 
"We Must Immediately Harden Our Schools."

"Opportunists are exploiting tragedy for political gain…Schools must be the most hardened targets in the country. Evil must be confronted immediately with all force necessary to protect our kids." –Wayne LaPierre


Arizona Arizona
Arizona: Anti-Gun Bill Defeated in Committee, Pro-Gun Legislation Advances
Florida Florida
Florida Alert! Help Stop Gratuitous GUN CONTROL
Florida Emergency Alert! Don’t Let Them Blame You For Parkland
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: Senate Committee Passes Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: Governor Scott Calls for Sweeping Gun Control Package
Wisconsin Wisconsin
Wisconsin: Range Protection Bill Goes to Governor

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.