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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 26, No. 12 3/22/2019

U.S. Politicians Cheer New Zealand Gun Confiscation
U.S. Politicians Cheer New Zealand Gun Confiscation
American gun owners have once again been reminded that the ultimate goal of U.S. gun control advocates is firearms bans and confiscation. Since the heinous terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, American anti-gun politicians, activists, and media outlets have offered their full-throated support for the New Zealand government’s efforts to ban and confiscate firearms from law-abiding gun owners.
Pro-Gun Senators Introduce Bill to Prohibit Discrimination in Financial Services
Pro-Gun Senators Introduce Bill to Prohibit Discrimination in Financial Services
On March 14, pro-gun Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and John Kennedy (R-LA) introduced S. 821 the Freedom Financing Act, a bill to prohibit discrimination against the firearms industry in the provision of financial services.
Illinois Court Throws Out Deerfield Gun Ban
Illinois Court Throws Out Deerfield Gun Ban
NRA applauds Illinois court ruling throwing out Village of Deerfield's ban on commonly owned firearms and magazines.
Alaska State Commission for Human Rights Director Attacks Human’s Rights
Alaska State Commission for Human Rights Director Attacks Human’s Rights
The Last Frontier is also one of the last places one expects to find rights-trampling government officials. The state’s strong libertarian streak is one of the reasons a recent report regarding the authoritarian behavior of an official from the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is so jarring.
Legacy Media Push New Zealand Gun Confiscation Using Lies about Australian Ban
Legacy Media Push New Zealand Gun Confiscation Using Lies about Australian Ban
The ongoing cheerleading effort by the international press in furtherance of the New Zealand government’s gun confiscation plans is enough to make any journalist with even a shred of objectivity blush. Worse, some outlets have resorted to or propagated lies about Australia’s gun confiscation experience in order to push their anti-gun agenda.
NRA Praises Vermont Superior Court Decision on Magazine Bans
NRA Praises Vermont Superior Court Decision on Magazine Bans
NRA applauds the Vermont Superior Court for allowing a lawsuit challenging the State's ban on standard capacity magazines to proceed. 
Grassroots Spotlight: NRA New Mexico FAL Couple -- Fighting Bloomberg Gun Control
Grassroots Spotlight: NRA New Mexico FAL Couple -- Fighting Bloomberg Gun Control
The precursor to the NRA-ILA Frontlines Activist Leader Program (FAL) was known as the NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) Program, and it started in 1994.  The “Election” in the EVC title was there to emphasize the primary, initial role of EVCs was election activities.
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Indianapolis
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Indianapolis
Please join us at the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar to be held on Friday, April 26, 2019 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. This all-day seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available. 


Delaware Delaware
Delaware: House to Vote on Gun Control Legislation Next Week
Indiana Indiana
Indiana: Bill Amended To Expand Self-Defense Opportunities
Indiana: Senate Committee Passes Important Self-Defense Bill
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: House Passes Bill to Improve Hunting Opportunities
Iowa: Remind Your Representative to Support The Family Defense Act
Nevada Nevada
Nevada: Omnibus Anti-Gun Bill Introduced, Legislator Bill Introduction Deadline Extended
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Rally to Defend the 2nd Against California-Style Infringements
Utah Utah
Utah: Self-Defense Bill Heads to the Governor’s Desk as Multiple Gun Control Bills Fail at the End of Session
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: Senate Passes Handgun Waiting Period Legislation
Washington Washington
Washington: NRA & SAF Lawsuit Against City of Edmonds Moves Forward

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.