NEWS NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION Bloomberg Bought Virginia Legislators Introduce Confiscatory Gun Ban | |
Michael Bloomberg’s bought and paid for Virginia legislators have wasted no time introducing legislation that would make the Old Dominion’s gun laws worse than those of the billionaire’s home state of New York. |
NEWS NEWS Joe Biden Wants to Ban 9mm Pistols | |
A week after he told voters that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect “a magazine with a hundred clips in it,” 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden offered supporters more of his singular brand of anti-gun nonsense. While attending a private campaign event in Seattle, the former vice president reportedly called for a ban on 9mm pistols. |
NEWS NEWS Gun Confiscation: The Exit-Strategy for Failing Campaigns? | |
The Democrats seeking their party’s nomination to take on President Donald Trump in 2020 have created somewhat of a clown-car atmosphere, with the field eclipsing two-dozen declared candidates at times. Currently, the number stands at a “manageable” 19 individuals to be vetted by Democrat voters. |
NEWS NEWS Professor Elizabeth Warren Offers Class in Political Linguistics | |
Gun control advocates understand the power of language, if not the effective use of it. Over the years the anti-gun establishment has attempted to move away from the term “gun control” to more benign-sounding alternatives such as “commonsense gun safety” or “gun reform.” Their goal of civilian disarmament has remained constant, but the language has changed. Gun control advocates calculate that such shifts in language will further their political aims by obscuring their policy goals. |
NEWS NEWS Member Spotlight: Meet an NRA Virginia mom who is telling voters to ‘watch out’ for Bloomberg’s tricks in 2020 | |
Suburban women are expected to play a pivotal role in the 2020 elections, which is why a lot of political groups are attempting to appeal to them. One of Bloomberg’s groups, Moms Demand Action, is styled to fool voters into thinking their extreme beliefs are representative of all suburban moms. And earlier this month in Virginia, this billionaire-funded group spent an enormous amount of money to flip a few seats and win a thin, anti-gun majority in the state legislature. Pro-gun suburban women in Virginia were outraged by the misleading campaign. We spoke with one, NRA member Megan Boland, who says the tactics employed by anti-gun groups in Virginia should serve as a cautionary tale to pro-gun suburban women across the country. |
California California: City of Carson Defeats Unconstitutional Resolution Targeting Lawful Gun Owners |
Florida Florida Alert! Update on NRA Lawsuit in Florida 18-21-Year-Old Sales Ban Case |