LEGAL & LEGISLATION NEWS NEWS Virginia: Bill Filed to Eliminate Right-to-Carry Permit Reciprocity! | |
In an unhinged effort to attack Virginians’ Second Amendment rights, one member of the Michael Bloomberg-bought General Assembly is willing to undermine a bipartisan policy advanced by the previous Democratic governor and target one of the state’s most law-abiding constituencies. H.B. 569, introduced by New Jersey native Dan Helmer (HD-40), targets Right-to-Carry permit holders by curtailing Virginia’s reciprocity regime. |
Freshman Virginia Delegate Dan Helmer (D-40) pretends he is an advocate for “gun safety,” but his election last year merely sent another petty politician to Richmond whose true agenda is to attack law-abiding gun owners and undermine our right to keep and bear arms. |
NEWS Grassroots Ramp Up Continues in the Old Dominion | |
Virginia’s General Assembly officially kicked off on January 8th, and the newly-controlled anti-gun legislative body is wasting no time in pushing its crusade against our gun rights. Facing a barrage of bills anathema to our Second Amendment rights, NRA’s Grassroots team has been ramping up its activities in opposition to Governor Northam’s latest gun grab. Here is a brief summary of our efforts to date. More information can be found by visiting: and by texting “NRAVA” to 25017. |