The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The 7,677-acre Refuge is located approximately 30 miles southwest of Amarillo. The primary purpose of the Refuge is to protect wintering waterfowl and short-grass prairie habitat. Currently there is no hunting permitted on the Refuge, as explained in Alternative A (current management). However, under Alternative B (Improved Habitat Management and Public Use) and Alternative C (Optimal habitat management and public use), hunting would be introduced to the Refuge. The plan can be read online here.
It is important for the Service to receive public support for opening the Refuge to hunting. You can expect anti-hunters to strongly oppose Alternatives B and C. Please take a few minutes to submit comments in support of hunting on this Refuge. Public comments are being accepted until November 30 and can be emailed to [email protected]. Please include “Buffalo Lake NWR Draft CCP/EA” in the subject line of your comments.