NRA-ILA's free seminar at NRA's upcoming Annual Meetings in St. Louis, MO--"Grassroots Campaigning in a National Election Year"--is just one week away! The seminar will include specific information and training to help ensure victory in the critical up-coming elections.
The event will be held:
Friday, April 13, 2012
9:00 a.m. (Registration and free continental breakfast from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.)Renaissance St. Louis Hotel
800 Washington Avenue, Landmark Ballrooms 1-3, Lobby Level
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 621-9600
With so much at stake in the 2012 elections, this event will provide tips and strategies on how gun owners can work more effectively to elect a pro-gun President, along with electing Members of Congress and state legislatures who will preserve our rights. In addition to hearing from NRA Officers and NRA-ILA staff, for the first time ever, a panel of your fellow NRA members, giving firsthand accounts of their grassroots strategies and successes, will be integrated into the program.
Your attendance at this special event in St. Louis is a critical step toward ensuring the future of our gun rights. This seminar will likely be attended by hundreds of freedom-loving NRA members, so be sure to register today while there is still space available!
For more information, please contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-(VOTE) 8683, or you may click here to sign up for the NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop
There is no better time to prepare for success for the inevitable battles we will face than while we are in St. Louis! Please encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to attend as well!
We hope to see you in St. Louis!