This week, the House Subcommittee on Fish, Game, and Forestry unanimously passed H.3872, the Hunting Heritage Protection Act. H.3872 requires the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to adopt policies and procedures that ensure there is no net loss of department managed land for hunting and fishing in South Carolina. Further, it requires DNR to submit a report each year citing the acreage closed to hunting during the previous year as well as the acreage opened to hunting to compensate for those closures. H.3872 will now head to the full House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs committee for consideration.
Protection of hunting lands for future generations is of the utmost importance to the NRA, to sportsmen, and to conservation across the Palmetto State. Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for future updates on H.3872 as session progresses.