On Monday, February 24th, the House Committee on Appropriations will hold a hearing on House Bill 1163, and is scheduled for an executive session later in the week. HB 1163 establishes a permit to purchase scheme and enhances requirements relating to purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms.
The State of Washington is facing a $12 billion deficit. HB 1163’s fiscal note estimates that passage of this bill will cost the state more than $20 million it does not have to spend. Law-abiding firearm owners will continue to be the only ones impacted by another gun-control law in Washington. Washington State Police data shows that the firearms used in crimes originate from three main sources – theft, illicit sources, and straw-purchases, all of which are already illegal means. HB 1163 is another solution in search of a problem, placing additional burdens on the law-abiding while doing nothing to address Washington’s escalating crime problem.
Please consider submitting testimony in opposition of this bill and register your position as "Con" through the House Committee website. Additionally, contact members of the committee directly by using the TAKE ACTION button below.
Your NRA will be testifying during this hearing! Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates as this legislative session progresses.