On Tuesday, February 25th, House Bill 25-1133, which places age restrictions on all ammunition purchases, passed on the House floor with bipartisan opposition. HB 25-1133 will now be transmitted to the Senate for consideration.
Please contact your Senator and urge them to OPPOSE HB 25-1133 by using the TAKE ACTION button below!
Additionally, the House State Affairs committee held a hearing last night and passed HB 25-1238, which places undue restrictions on gun show vendors and organizers, by a vote of 8-3. Unfortunately, HB 25-1164, permitless concealed carry, was defeated by a vote of 3-8.
Please contact your Representative and urge them to OPPOSE HB 25-1238 by using the TAKE ACTION button below!
This year has been busy for the General Assembly, and we can assume they will continue their assaults on the Secon Amendment. Stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates as this legislative session progresses.