Yesterday evening, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard Senate Bill 279, an egregious assault on your Second Amendment rights, banning commonly owned semi-automatic firearms along with other provisions. Opposition from NRA members and Second Amendment supporters has been constant since the bill was introduced and throughout the hearing. A committee substitute was put forward, akin to semi-auto bans seen in other states such as Illinois and California, placing severe restrictions on commonly owned firearms. Ultimately, Senate Judiciary Chair Senator Joseph Cervantes tabled any action until the next Senate Judiciary Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 5. It's critical that NRA members and Second Amendment supporters continue to contact members of the committee to urge their opposition to both the original bill and committee substitute.
As introduced, Senate Bill 279 seeks to regulate and prohibit the possession of a wide range of semiautomatic firearms commonly used by law-abiding citizens for recreation, hunting, self-defense, and competitive shooting.
Among the multiple regulations placed on law-abiding New Mexicans, those who currently possess firearms covered by the bill would be required to register with the state by January 1, 2026, to continue to lawfully possess them, enabling the creation of a firearm owner registry. A firearm owner must have the certification notarized and must carry their copy of the certification outside their own property. Licensed firearm dealers will have to mark firearms, maintain records of certifications, and make these available for law enforcement inspection.
Starting January 1, 2026, possession of these firearms would be prohibited, with limited exceptions. This legislation threatens to criminalize responsible gun owners and undermine constitutional rights
The committee substitute of Senate Bill 279 seeks to ban firearms based on a "features" test, limits magazine capacity, and bans .50 cal rifles and ammunition among other provisions. Again, use the take action button to contact members of the committee to urge their opposition to this unconstitutional overreach!
Stay tuned to your inbox and for updates on your Second Amendment rights in New Mexico.