Today, Senate Bill 111 passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor as early as tomorrow. This bill represents a dangerous overreach that threatens to further infringe on Second Amendment rights in Michigan. Use the Take Action link below to contact your State Senators and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 111.
Senate Bill 111 would lower the threshold for petitioning a court to issue a Personal Protective Order (PPO) against someone solely based on a belief that the individual may own or purchase a firearm. The legislation doesn't require any evidence of harm, criminal activity, or mental crisis. Upon issuing a PPO a judge could order the removal of an individual's Second Amendment rights without due process.
Additionally, this legislation drastically expands the class of individuals who can petition the court for a PPO with minimal evidentiary standards. This is a dangerous bill for Michigan and gun owners across the nation.
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