U.S. House Votes To Block
Unauthorized Record Keeping On Gun Owners
The U.S. House has voted for an amendment to H.R. 1 offered by Reps. Denny Rehberg and Dan Boren that prohibits the use of federal funds for a new and unauthorized multiple sales reporting scheme proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). The measure passed the chamber with broad bipartisan support.
"The reluctance of the Calderon and Obama administrations to face reality and pursue real solutions is costing the lives of law enforcement and civilians on both sides of the border," said Chris W. Cox, executive director for the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action. "NRA has always and will continue to support any law enforcement initiative that targets criminals. Any proposal that only burdens law-aiding gun owners and retailers – as this proposal does – is a non-starter with the NRA. To put it very simply, if someone is breaking the law, go after them full bore. If they aren't, leave them alone."
Where's The Cotton Candy? Bloomberg Takes Anti-Gun Sideshow On The Road: No one can say that New York City mayor and anti-gun gadfly Michael Bloomberg doesn't support getting Americans back to work -- at least those who don't operate snow removal equipment in New York City. But those who are concerned about global warming may take issue with how he's going about it. During an interview with ABC-TV's George Stephanopolous this week, Bloomberg announced he has hired a driver to tour the country in a large, fossil-fuel-burning truck, towing a billboard that other Bloomberg jobbers have covered with a poster or paint job claiming that 34 people are murdered with guns each day.
Lawmakers Offer Legislation To Allow Importation Of M1s: In 2009, the Obama administration approved the importation and sale of collectible, American-made M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines from South Korea. However, the administration reversed its decision in March of last year, deciding instead to prevent these rifles -- legal to make and purchase in the United States -- from entering the country.
D.C. Gun Bill: Fact And Fiction -- Earlier this month, Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) introduced H.R. 645 the "Second Amendment Enforcement Act," to eliminate harsh gun control laws imposed by the District of Columbia after the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008).
NRA Works With Coalition To Address Wolf Management Crisis: A coalition of the nation's largest hunting and conservation groups today thanked Members of Congress for taking several steps in the right direction for wolf conservation. The coalition reminded Congress that all wolves in the Rockies and Great Lakes area are recovered and should now be managed by state biologists. The coalition supports all four pending bills in the House and Senate to move recovered wolf populations to state management. The groups include Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, the Boone and Crockett Club, National Rifle Association, and Safari Club International.
The Swiss Vote To Keep Guns At Home: Switzerland has historically had one of the highest per capita rates of firearm ownership in the world. The country has no standing army, relying instead on a citizen militia for national defense. And these members of the citizen militia keep their military-issued firearms in their homes. There are also many shooting enthusiasts and shooting clubs in the country. This has been the case for decades.
NRA-ILA's Chris Cox Speaks Out On Magazine Bans: Since the senseless January 8 attack on Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her innocent constituents, NRA members have joined our fellow Americans in offering thoughts and prayers for the victims, for their families, and for the Tucson community. Yet while we grieved, anti-Second Amendment groups worked to exploit the tragedy to resurrect their political agendas. "In the wake of these kind of incidents, the trick is to move quickly," one antigun activist said.
This week, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox wrote an op-ed piece on USNews.com regarding this all-too-familiar anti-gun exploitation, and the benefits of standard capacity magazines. To read the piece, please click here.
Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh: The 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27--May 1, 2011, in Pittsburgh, PA. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer.
Hunters' Rights Special Session At NRA Annual Meetings: A Special Session devoted to hunters' rights issues will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 30, 2011, at the NRA's 140th Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
ALASKA:No-Duty-to-Retreat Legislation Passes Alaska's House Judiciary Committee
On Monday, February 14, the House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 80 by a 4 to 1 vote. This legislation would remove the duty to retreat in Alaska. HB 80 now moves to the House Finance Committee. Under existing law, there is no duty to retreat if a person is in his or her home, business, or on his or her own property. HB 80 would extend the right to use force, including deadly force, for self-defense anywhere a person has a legal right to be. Your NRA will continue to update you on the status of HB 80 as it progresses through the Alaska Legislature.
ARIZONA:NRA-Backed Bills Progress in the House and Senate
As the legislative session continues in Phoenix, three pro-gun bills have recently received positive committee action. House Bill 2140, legislation to protect your firearms rights against homeowners' associations and landlords, passed committee and will now move to caucus in the House, then to the House Committee of the Whole. Senate Bills 1469 and 1467, which seek to strengthen your self-defense rights, also passed committee and will now move to caucus, then to the Committee of the Whole in the Senate. At this time no action is required on your part. However, please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on these and other Second Amendment-related legislation.
March 3 Open House to view Northern Arizona Shooting Range Draft Master Plan
As previously mentioned in an earlier alert, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) will be hosting an informational open house to present the draft master site-plan for the Northern Arizona Shooting Range on Thursday, March 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The meeting will take place at the AZGF regional office in Flagstaff, located at 3500 S. Lake Mary Road.
While no formal presentation will be made, this will be an opportunity for people to come out and see the latest plans for the proposed range design as well as interact with AZGF who will be present to answer questions, take comments, and provide any requested information. While the design is still in the draft stages, AZGF will continue to work towards finalizing plans before presenting them to the AZGF Commission on March 11-12, in Phoenix and continue to take public comment until March 11.
As plans for the range come closer to being finalized, minority opposition is getting louder. AZGF continues to stand strong in support of the project and fully expects to have the Northern Arizona Shooting Range at Foster Ranch completed by 2013. Please come out to see the draft master plan and thank the AZGF for all their efforts to develop a new shooting range in the state.
Click here to see the official release from AZGF announcing the open house.
For more information on the development of the Northern Arizona Shooting Range, please click here.
Lake Havasu Travel Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Access for Hunters
The Bureau of Land Management is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) to designate the routes that will remain open to the use of motorized vehicles by the public. The Federal lands involved in the TMP are located below I-40 in Arizona and California, north, east, and south of Lake Havasu City, including parts of the California shoreline and south within 5-7 miles of the Bill Williams River. The public comment period on this TMP closes on February 28. Comments may be e-mailed to [email protected] or by completing the comment form on BLM's Arizona State website at www.blm.gov/az. Click on Lake Havasu. For further information you may call Myron McCoy at 928-505-1216 or write to [email protected].
The TMP provides four alternatives for motorized access:
Alternative A: No Action. Alternative A describes the current management of BLM-administered public lands in the planning area. The current management would continue to occur if no new decisions are made to alter it.
Alternative B: Protection. Alternative B emphasizes minimal human use and influence, and enhanced protection of remoteness and primitive recreation.
Alternative C: Proposed. Alternative C would provide an optimal balance between authorized resource use and the protection and long-term sustainability of sensitive resources within the planning area.
Alternative D: Access. Alternative D places an emphasis on maximum resource use and a more flexible, permissive resource management approach.
In addition to the effects this TMP will have on recreational access, the BLM does not intend to allow the use of vehicles for game retrieval off designated routes. If you hunt or enjoy other recreational activities on these lands, it is important that you review the maps and comment on how these alternatives will affect your access and ability to retrieve downed game.
FLORIDA: STOP Doctors from Violating Patients' Gun Privacy Rights in Florida
Senate Bill 432 has been scheduled to be heard in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday, February 22 at 9:00 a.m. SB 432 would stop anti-gun doctors from asking children and parents if they own guns and then telling them to get rid of their guns. It further stops doctors from denying care to children if the parents refuse to answer questions about gun ownership. This bill is designed to make doctors practice medicine NOT practice gun ban politics in their examination rooms. As a parent or a patient you have a right to protect your privacy about gun ownership. How many guns you own and where they are stored is your personal private information. Immediate action is needed, so please contact the members of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and urge them to support this legislation. For more information concerning this legislation and how to contact committee members, please click here.
Public Comment Sought on New Refuge Proposed in Central Florida
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing the creation of a new national wildlife refuge that would encompass more than 150,000 acres in portions of Polk, Osceola, Indian River, Okeechobee, and Highlands counties in Central Florida. The proposed Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area is billed as a partnership between federal, tribal, state, and local governments, along with ranchers and other landowners and private organizations. The Service has stated that it will work with willing landowners to acquire the land in a variety of ways, including direct purchase, conservation easements, leases, and cooperative agreements.
It is unknown at this time how this proposal will affect hunting and other public recreation on lands to be acquired. Four public meetings were held to provide the public an opportunity to hear a presentation about the proposal, to ask questions and to submit comments, ideas, and concerns.
The Service will use public comments in the development of the refuge plan. Information about the proposal can be found at http://www.fws.gov/southeast/greatereverglades/. Comments can be e-mailed to [email protected]. The comment period closes February 28.
IDAHO:Proposed Rule to Allow Take of Wolves in North-Central Idaho
Because wolves are having a devastating impact on elk herds in the Lolo Elk Management Zone, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has requested permission of the Service to lethally take wolves over a 5-year period in order to reduce predation on elk. Permission is necessary because these wolves are protected by the Endangered Species Act as a "nonessential experimental population." When the designation was made, certain actions were allowed including lethal take by livestock producers to remove problem wolves. It was not contemplated at the time that there would be a need to remove wolves to protect wild game species. Therefore the IDFG needs special approval from the Service to also deal with problem wolves.
The Service has released an environmental assessment that asks for public comment on two opposing actions: 1) No Action or 2) Approve Requested Authorization. The rule can be found at http://www.fws.gov/idaho/ . Comments can be submitted on line at http://www.regulations.gov. In the box that reads "Enter Keyword or ID" enter the number FWS-R1-ES-2011-0009. Check the box that reads "Open for Comment/Submission" and then click the Search button. An icon will appear that reads "Submit a Comment." Deadline for comments is MARCH 14.
Wolf populations have rebounded since the species was listed and given federal protection. The Service's efforts to remove, from the Endangered Species list, wolf populations that have recovered has been ensnarled in lawsuits brought by radical environmental groups. In the meantime, wolves are having a huge impact elk populations, and consequently big game hunting. Please take a few minutes to submit a comment to the Service in support of the "Approve Requested Authorization."
IOWA: Emergency Powers Reform Passes in the House Public Safety Committee!
On Wednesday, February 16, House Study Bill 18 was passed by a 14 to 5 vote in the House Public Safety Committee. Anti-gun legislators failed to weaken this important emergency powers legislation through amendments, even though an attempt to remove the word "carrying" had been expected. This bill now moves to the floor for consideration, but has not been placed on the calendar at this time. HSB 18 would prohibit any government agency from confiscating firearms or regulating the lawful possession, carrying, transfer, transportation or defensive use of firearms or ammunition during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana. Thank you to all those who contacted members of the House Public Safety Committee in support of this legislation. Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this and other Second Amendment-related legislation on the move in Des Moines.
KANSAS:Action Expected on One Pro-Gun Bill and One Divisive Personal Privacy Bill
As the legislative session continues in Topeka, more Second Amendment-related legislation is making progress. Pro-gun Senate Bill 152 and anti-gun Senate Bill 31 are both currently awaiting action in Senate committees and need your immediate attention.
Senate Bill 152 has been referred to the Senate Natural Resources Committee. This NRA-backed legislation would allow any person licensed to carry a firearm to lawfully carry while hunting. SB 152 could be heard at anytime, so please contact the members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee listed here and respectfully urge them to support SB 152.
Recently, the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee held a public hearing on Senate Bill 31, at which the NRA submitted testimony voicing our strong opposition. The bill would require the NRA to disclose the names, addresses and occupations of anyone who contributes $1,000 or more to NRA. This burdensome and redundant legislation would create a virtual registry of NRA members and politically active gun owners in general. Current federal law already requires similar information for election-related fundraising for individuals and has never required state governments to duplicate this effort on any level. This legislation would require Kansas to undertake the monumental task of building a registry to manage and track virtually every politically related donor who has ever given money to any group associated with any election in the state. Please call the members of the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee and urge them to oppose SB 31.
KENTUCKY:Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment and NICS Legislation Waiting to be Heard in the Kentucky Senate
Two important Second Amendment-related bills have passed the Kentucky House of Representatives and are waiting to be considered by the state Senate. NRA-backed House Bill 1 is a Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment, while House Bill 308 would provide a pathway to restoring gun-rights.
HB 1 proposes an amendment to the Kentucky Constitution recognizing citizens' right to hunt and fish. It would provide truly meaningful protections against the animal rights activists who seek to ban all hunting in America. The ultimate adoption of this constitutional amendment would preserve Kentucky's rich hunting and fishing traditions for future generations. This bill is expected to be heard by the Senate State and Local Government Committee at any time.
HB 308 passed out of the state House on February 14, by a 97 to 1 vote. Introduced by state Representative Bob Damron (D-39), HB 308 would implement the federal NICS Improvements Amendments Act, providing a pathway for the restoration of gun rights.
Please contact your state senator TODAY and respectfully ask him or her to bring up and support HB 1 without amendments and HB 308 prior to adjournment. Contact information can be found here.
NEW JERSEY:Another Anti-Gun Bill Introduced in Trenton
Assembly Bill 3807, sponsored by Assemblyman Louis D. Greenwald (D-6) and Assemblyman Annette Quijano (D-20), has been introduced in the New Jersey Assembly. If passed, A3807 would reduce the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds from the current 15. This legislation is an example of yet another attempt to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, while doing nothing to actually combat crime. As of now a hearing has not been scheduled, but the NRA will continue to update you on the status of the legislation as it progresses through the New Jersey General Assembly. So, please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates.
NEW YORK:Micro-stamping Legislation Introduced Again in Albany
For the fourth year in a row, anti-gun legislators have introduced micro-stamping legislation. Senate Bill 675 has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Codes. This legislation would make micro-stamping mandatory on all new semi-automatic pistols sold after January 1, 2013. S675 would require all semi-automatic pistols delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp an alpha-numeric or geometric code that would identify the make, model and serial number onto the cartridge case when the gun is discharged. This bill would require models currently available to be redesigned by their manufacturers to include a micro-stamping component, which would vastly increase the cost of these firearms. Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that can be easily defeated with common household tools or the replacement of a few small parts. If passed, the availability of legal semi-automatic handguns in New York will be in serious doubt, as manufacturers simply may choose not to build or sell firearms for purchase in the state. Of course, that is the ultimate goal of this legislation. Make no mistake, this is a gun ban and it must be stopped.
NEVADA:Permit Reform and "Castle Doctrine" Legislation Await Committee Action
Two pro-gun bills have recently been assigned to the state Assembly Judiciary Committee and are now awaiting consideration. Assembly Bill 143 would streamline the Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit process, prohibit the identity of CCW permit holders from being made public information. The second, Assembly Bill 8, is a long sought after "Castle Doctrine" legislation which would guarantee law-abiding citizens the right to self-defense in their homes. At this time, no hearing dates have been scheduled for either of these bills. Please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support both AB 143 and AB 8. For more on these bills and committee contact information, please click here.
NORTH DAKOTA:Worker Protection Bill Facing Critical Challenge
Large corporations and special interests are working overtime to defeat legislation that would allow North Dakota gun owners to store their firearms in personal, locked vehicles without fear of being fired. Despite hearing testimony from North Dakota residents about businesses with anti-gun policies, the House Judiciary Committee voted for a "do not pass" recommendation on House Bill 1438. While the vote does not kill the bill, it puts this legislation in serious jeopardy. HB 1438 is an important bill for those who carry concealed or who go target shooting and must store their firearm during work hours, as for well as hunters who hunt before and after work. The bill also protects customers who have firearms locked in their private vehicles. Your urgent action is needed. HB 1438 can be called for a floor vote in the House of Representatives any day. Please contact your state Representative and respectfully ask him or her to support HB 1438. Contact information can be found here.
PENNSYLVANIA: Legislation to Control Philadelphia Gun Owners Introduced!
Anti-gun state Senator LeAnna Washington (D-4) has introduced anti-gun legislation to help Philadelphia continue trying to destroy our Second Amendment rights within the city limits. Senate Bill 176 would allow the city of Philadelphia to prohibit an individual from purchasing more than one handgun within a thirty day period and regulate firearm and ammunition within city limits. SB 176 would also establish a Violence Prevention Fund, which would help establish funds for additional anti-gun programs in the name of stopping inner-city violence. No action is needed at this time, but continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this anti-gun legislation.
PennsylvaniaFederation of Sportsmen's Clubs' Spring Convention to be Held March 11-13! You are cordially invited to attend the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs' (PFSC) Spring Convention hosted by the Central Division of the PFSC at the Best Western Country Cupboard Inn in Lewisburg, March 11–13. The PFSC was formed in 1932 to ensure proper protections of Pennsylvania's wildlife resources, habitat, outdoor heritage and Second Amendment rights. Registration is due March 1. To see an agenda of the PFSC's Spring Convention and registration form, please click here.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Right-to-Carry Reform Legislation Heard by House Judiciary Subcommittee
On Thursday, February 17, the House Judiciary Committee's General Laws Subcommittee held a hearing on House Bill 3292. The NRA spoke in favor of the bill and is currently working with the bill sponsor and the subcommittee members to make several technical and drafting corrections. This legislation seeks to make a number of positive reforms to the current permit system, including expanding where a permit holder may lawfully carry, as well as improving the current laws regarding recognizing permits issued by other states. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary General Laws Subcommittee and respectfully urge them to work with NRA to pass the best possible bill. Contact information can be found here.
SOUTH DAKOTA:Legislation to Remove an Outdated Gun Control Provision Passes House Judiciary Committee
House Bill 1079 passed in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 16 by a unanimous 13 to 0 vote. This legislation will now be considered on the House floor. The intent of this provision is to clean up South Dakota's firearm code and to remove provisions that became obsolete with the passage of the federal Firearms Owners' Protection Act (FOPA) in 1986. Originally, the federal Gun Control Act banned interstate sales of firearms, but contained an exception for long gun transactions occurring between federally licensed dealers (FFLs) and residents of contiguous states. Such sales could occur only if "the purchaser's State of residence permit[ted] such sale or delivery by law." FOPA, however, removed both the contiguous states limitation and the requirement that the purchaser's state of residence specifically authorize the purchase. South Dakota has enacted no barriers to interstate sales, so HB 1079 would not change the current law under which South Dakota FFLs can sell long guns to residents of other states that don't limit their residents' right to purchase. South Dakota residents can also buy long guns from FFLs in other states that do not discriminate against non-residents.
Please contact your state Representative and respectfully urge him or her to support HB 1079. Representatives can be reached by calling the House switchboard and leaving a message at (605) 773-3851 or by clicking here. If you need help identifying your state Representative, click here.
VERMONT:Legislation to Require Mandatory Firearm Storage Proposed
Sponsored by state Representative Linda Waite-Simpson (D-Essex), House Bill 83 would undermine citizens' right to self-defense by imposing onerous storage requirements on Vermont gun owners, rendering firearms useless in self-defense situations. H. 83 would require households with children to store their firearms unloaded with an installed trigger lock and in a locked container. H. 83 has been introduced and assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. A hearing date has not been set, but please continue to monitor www.NRAILA.org for more updates. Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee and urge them to oppose H. 83. You may leave a message for members of this committee by calling the Sergeant at Arms' office at (802) 828-2228. Additional contact information can be found here.
VIRGINIA: NRA-Supported Legislation Headed to the Governor!
On Tuesday, February 15, the Virginia House of Delegates passed Senate Bill 1213 on Third Reading, by a unanimous 98 to 0 vote. The Virginia Senate also passed House Bill 1422 yesterday by a 40 to 0 vote. Both bills will now head to Governor McDonnell's desk for his consideration. Senate Bill 1213 provides that the State Board of Elections, in cooperation with the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, would make mail voter registration application forms available where hunting and fishing licenses are sold.
House Bill 1422 would add one family firearm, not to exceed $3,000 in value, to the list of items that every householder shall be entitled to hold exempt from Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Currently, ten states allow firearm owners to exempt firearms from the liquidation process. Please take the time to contact Governor McDonnell and respectfully request he sign SB 1213 and HB 1422 into law. To contact him via email please click here.
House Committee Tables Bill Threatening to Endanger Deer, Elk, and Bears!
On Wednesday, February 14, the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee tabled Senate Bill 868 by a 17 to 3 vote. Even though this bill has been effectively defeated for the remainder of this legislative session, it is not technically dead and there is still a chance it could be revived this year. SB 868 would have eliminated the current provision in state law that requires officials from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) to investigate and confirm claims of crop damage before issuing deer and bear agricultural kill permits to landowners. It would also have added elk to the list of species that may be killed pursuant to these permits. Thank you to all those who contacted the members of the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee to speak out against this potentially devastating legislation. Your concern on this matter goes a long way in reinforcing the fact that sportsmen are true conservationists and hold the well being of species above all else. Your NRA will continue to update you should anything develop, so please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates.
WEST VIRGINIA:Anti-Gun Legislation Temporarily Stalled in West Virginia House
The House Judiciary Committee recently passed House Bill 2346, a bill identical to one defeated last year during the regular session before it ever advanced out of committee. Just like last year's legislation, HB 2346 would remove due process from protective orders issued in domestic violence situations and, once again, the NRA is very much opposed to this legislation. Under current West Virginia and federal law, a protective order can only prohibit firearm possession if it's issued when both parties are present, so both sides of the story can be heard. HB 2346 would remove the requirement that both parties be present at the hearing, therefore authorizing the confiscation of firearms without due process, if a protective order is issued. HB 2346 is a broad expansion of the powers of the state to take away a constitutional right. For unexplained reasons, this bill was allowed to advance out of committee, but the NRA has successfully worked with members of the House to stall the bill and have it removed from the Special Calendar. It is our hope that HB 2346 will not advance to consideration before the full House of Delegates. Please contact your state Delegate(s) and respectfully urge them to oppose HB 2346 and not let it be considered on the House floor. Click here to find your Delegate(s) and locate their contact information.
WYOMING: Workplace Protection Bill Passes State House, Moves to Senate
On Wednesday, February 9, the Wyoming House of Representatives passed House Bill 207 by a 36 to 23 vote, with one excused. This workplace protection legislation would prohibit employers from firing employees who safely and lawfully store firearms in their privately owned, locked vehicles while on an employer's publicly accessible parking lot. Wyoming citizens who choose to carry firearms for self-defense during their commutes to and from work would no longer be forced to leave their firearms at home for fear of losing their jobs. HB 207 successfully passed the House after removal of hostile amendments. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Please contact your state senator and respectfully urge him or her to support HB 207 in its current form. To find your state senator's contact information please click here.