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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 22, No. 42 10/23/2015

Polls Show Majority of Americans View NRA Favorably, Don’t Want New Gun Controls, and Recognize Right-to-Carry Makes Us Safer
Polls Show Majority of Americans View NRA Favorably, Don’t Want New Gun Controls, and Recognize Right-to-Carry Makes Us Safer
An ORC International/CNN poll conducted October 14-17 asked respondents “Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws?” 52-percent answered that they oppose stricter laws. One wonders how lopsided the results would have been if respondents were asked if they support a Clinton-endorsed gun confiscation scheme.  
Clinton, O’Malley Say Americans Are Their Enemies
Clinton, O’Malley Say Americans Are Their Enemies
In the days since last week’s debate between candidates for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, some commentators have suggested that Americans have seen enough, that no additional Democrat debates are necessary. In one respect, those commentators are right. In just a few seconds during the debate, the two candidates who harbor the most extreme views on guns showed why they shouldn’t be entrusted with our country’s highest elected office.
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Bans on America’s Most Popular Rifles and Magazines
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Bans on America’s Most Popular Rifles and Magazines
If any further evidence were necessary of what’s at stake with the 2016 general election, a ruling issued today by the U.S. District Court for the Second Circuit should provide it. The court’s opinion in New York State Rifle and Pistol Assoc., Inc., v. Cuomo largely upheld Connecticut and New York laws passed in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy. The laws banned America’s most popular modern rifles, including the AR-15, and magazines for any firearm with a capacity of greater than 10 rounds.  Once again, this opinion signals a judiciary unwilling to uphold the Second Amendment or the U.S. Supreme Court’s reading of that provision. In the landmark Heller case, the Supreme Court invalidated D.C.’s ban on handgun possession, deferring to the choice of the American people on what sort of firearms are best suited for home defense.
Pro-Gun Representatives Introduce Hearing Protection Act to Reform Outdated Suppressor Laws
Pro-Gun Representatives Introduce Hearing Protection Act to Reform Outdated Suppressor Laws
Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) recently introduced H.R. 3799, the Hearing Protection Act (HPA).  The HPA would remove sound suppressors from regulation under the National Firearms Act (NFA), leaving them to be treated as ordinary firearms subject to the usual NICS check and Form 4473 for dealer sales. Currently, suppressors (misleadingly referred to as “silencers” in federal law) are subject to the NFA’s cumbersome and lengthy application, “CLEO sign-off,” and $200 taxation provisions. This is so, even though the devices themselves are completely harmless. 
Hillary Adopts the 40% Myth to Argue for Gun Control
Hillary Adopts the 40% Myth to Argue for Gun Control
Among the many issues standing between Hillary Clinton and the White House is what various media outlets have delicately labeled a “credibility problem.” Politico was more blunt in an August 27 article, asking, “Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?” That piece went on to cite a Quinnipiac University poll, in which 61% of respondents indicated they did not believe Hillary was honest and trustworthy. Worse, when voters were asked the first word that came to mind about Clinton, the top three replies were (in order of popularity) “liar,” “dishonest,” and “untrustworthy.” According to the article, “Overall, more than a third of poll respondents said their first thought about Clinton was some version of: She’s a liar. … [T]he striking reality is that, for Clinton, a lack of trust is the first thing many think of.” Count us in on that.
Trustworthiness Issues? Politifact Calls Out Clinton Deception
Trustworthiness Issues? Politifact Calls Out Clinton Deception
That there are apparently still people (though, increasingly few) that find Hillary Clinton at all trustworthy is becoming more and more incredible. Late last week, Politifact took Clinton to task over comments she made about the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). According to Politifact, at a campaign event in Iowa, Clinton remarked “[p]robably one of the most egregious, wrong, pieces of legislation that ever passed the Congress when it comes to this issue is to protect gun sellers and gun makers from liability… They are the only business in America that is wholly protected from any kind of liability.” Politifact properly branded the statement “False.” That Politifact has been known to skew their work in favor of gun control advocates, shows just how patently false Clinton’s characterization of the PLCAA was.  
Tell Your Congressional Lawmakers: No New Federal Gun Control!
Tell Your Congressional Lawmakers: No New Federal Gun Control!
Recently, we reported on a partisan gun control rally on the Capitol steps that sought to exploit recent tragedy and loss to build momentum for a longstanding agenda. Anti-gun members of the president’s party, always quick to do his bidding, have been emboldened by Obama’s own not-so-thinly-veiled call for confiscatory gun control. This week, the air on Capitol Hill remains thick with rumors of the impending gun control debate. Word is that it may come in the very near future. With local elections days away in several states, the anti-gun, anti-constitution wing of American politics is looking to activate its base. 
Become a Defender of America. Attend an Event Today!
Become a Defender of America. Attend an Event Today!
NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) knows responsible gun ownership exemplifies what is good and right about America. We know the Second Amendment is not just words on paper, but represents the principles upon which this country was founded. Our individual liberty is what separates America from every other nation, and without it all of our freedoms are at stake. That's why when our Second Amendment freedoms are on the line, NRA-ILA fights back to DEFEND AMERICA.
Ruger's "2 Million Gun Challenge" to Benefit NRA-ILA
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. has pledged to donate $2 to the NRA for each new Ruger firearm sold between the 2015 and 2016 NRA Annual Meetings, with the goal of giving $4 million. Ruger's donation will benefit the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). "We're bringing back the One Million Gun Challenge with a twist," said Ruger CEO Mike Fifer. "Our goal is to sell 2 million firearms in a 12-month period. With that, we pledge to donate not one, but two dollars to the NRA for every new firearm sold. We accomplished our goals to support the NRA in 2012, and with the help of our loyal customers, we believe we can do it again."
Attend Law Symposium on Protecting the Right to Bear Arms: History and Challenges
On November 5, the Heritage Foundation, the Georgetown Center on the Constitution, and the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy will host a one-day Law Symposium on Protecting the Right to Bear Arms: History and Challenges.  The Symposium will consider the major current legal and public policy issues concerning the nature and vindication of Second Amendment rights.  The Symposium will feature panels in which the nation’s top Second Amendment experts will debate this critically important topic. 
CNN’s Shocking Discovery about NRA’s Money
CNN’s Shocking Discovery about NRA’s Money

In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that CNN Money recently uncovered the earth-shattering fact that much of the NRA’s political power comes from everyday Americans, with the average contribution to the NRA Political Victory Fund being around $35.


California California
California: County Sheriffs Sue Los Angeles over Ordinance Prohibiting Possession of “Large-Capacity” Magazines
Florida Florida
Florida Report on 3 Pro-Gun Bills that were heard in Committee 10/20/15
Florida Alert! Pinellas Sheriff fights open-carry bill with bad info
Nevada Nevada
Nevada: Department of Wildlife Invites Sportsmen Across the State to Game Management Town Hall Meetings
NRA-ILA will be hosting a special activism meeting in Elko on Monday, October 26!
NRA-ILA will be hosting a special activism meeting in Reno on Tuesday, October 27!
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania: Update on Semi-automatic Hunting Legislation!
Utah Utah
Utah: BLM Plan Proposes to Close more than 50,000 acres to Shooting
Washington Washington
Washington: Early Voting is Underway -- Vote “NO” on Initiative 1401
RSVP to the Issaquah Activist Meeting- Tuesday, November 3!
RSVP to the Lakewood Activist Meeting- Monday, November 2!

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.