NRA Statement on S. 1805
from Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President,
and Chris W. Cox, NRA`s Chief Lobbyist
In a move to exploit meaningful legislation designed to preserve the firearms industry, gun-ban activists in Congress slipped through "poison pill" amendments which would have resulted in draconian restrictions on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. As a result, the NRA withdrew its support for final passage and the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act," S. 1805 amended was successfully defeated by a margin of 08-90.
As NRA stated before S. 1805 was debated, this had to be a clean bill or we would not support it. While we will continue to work to save the U.S. firearms industry, we have said from the start that we would not allow this bill to become a vehicle for added restrictions on law-abiding Americans.
Legislation to stop baseless lawsuits against the law-abiding American firearms industry has the support of the White House, the U.S. House of Representatives, countless conservation, commerce and union groups, and the American people. It is unfortunate that some in Congress are more interested in undermining the rights of law-abiding gun owners than in passing meaningful legislation.
Our decision is in no way a reflection on the hard work and dedication of those Senators on both sides of the aisle-- especially Senator Larry Craig and most of his cosponsors-- who stood up for the principle of individual responsibility embodied in S. 1805, and who opposed the anti-gun "poison pill" amendments aimed at destroying it. We sincerely appreciate their hard work and dedication.
The U.S. Senate had its vote today, law-abiding gun owners will have their turn to vote in November.