While Senator Feinstein's soon-to-be-introduced bill to ban semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines is garnering the most attention from anti-gun politicians and their media allies, attacks on our Second Amendment rights are by no means limited to this one proposal, nor to just Congress.
Based on bills introduced on the first day of the 113th Congress, we clearly face the most serious threat to our fundamental Second Amendment rights in the last 20 years, and law-abiding gun owners need to ACT NOW to ward off an unprecedented onslaught on our rights. Here are just some of the proposals pending in Congress:
H.R. 138 would ban transfer or possession of standard-capacity magazines, targeting those that hold more than 10 rounds.
H.R. 141 would impose federal regulation of gun shows. This legislation would require background checks on all gun sales at guns shows, and impose addition federal regulations on these traditional local events.
H.R. 142 would ban Internet or mail order ammunition purchases, require a federal license for all ammunition sellers and mandate reporting of "bulk" ammo purchases.
H.R. 21 would ban all private firearms transfers.
H.R. 34 & H.R. 117 are both gun registration bills overriding long standing protections of gun owner privacy.
Remember, this fight is not just limited to the halls of Congress. Already dozens of states are seeing a flurry of anti-gun bills introduced, and anti-gun crusaders at the state level will stop at nothing to pass them. Look no further than anti-gun New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who recently said, "Confiscation could be an option."
Make no mistake, we are in for the fight of our lives, as the pace and scope of what the enemies of the Second Amendment are seeking to do to restrict our Second Amendment rights and destroy our Association are unprecedented!
NRA alone can't win this fight for you, but we can win this fight WITH you!
While it is of the utmost importance that you contact your own members of Congress, you must also make sure all lawmakers in Washington, D.C. and your state capital are contacted. You must act as a force multiplier; not only taking action to contact your lawmakers yourself, but making sure every Second Amendment supporter you know hears our message and takes it to lawmakers.
Let lawmakers know that when it comes to protecting the Second Amendment, we will stand on the side of freedom and defend our right to keep and bear arms with everything we have!
For contact information on lawmakers in Washington, D.C., as well as state lawmakers, use the "Write Your Reps" feature at www.NRAILA.org. You can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121.
To download a two-page flyer that you can copy and distribute on these issues, please click here.
Feinstein Gun Ban Just Tip of Iceberg!

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