Will trampling the rights of law abiding gun owners really do anything to help keep our children safe? Will piling unnecessary weight on a federal regulatory system that's already drowning help keep guns out of the wrong hands? The answers, of course, are "no" -- which is why a so called "universal background check" system should be dismissed by any lawmaker who is serious about protecting constitutional freedom and improving public safety.
A mandate for truly "universal" background checks would put the federal government squarely in the middle of every sale, loan or gift of a firearm between private individuals. In other words, it would criminalize all private firearms transfers, even between family members or friends who have known each other all of their lives.
Read the article: The Hill
Cox: A universally bad idea

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Friday, February 28, 2025
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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