Yesterday, the Delaware House passed House Bill 330, which would prohibit law-abiding adults aged 18 to 20 from purchasing or transferring a rifle or rifle ammunition without permission from a parent or guardian. Now, HB 330 has been transferred to the Senate and referred to the Senate Judicial and Community Affairs Committee. Please contact members of the Committee and strongly urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 330 when it comes up for a vote.
This legislation is outright offensive and demeaning to Delaware’s young adults who are otherwise allowed to vote, join the military, and exercise every other constitutionally guaranteed right. Anti-gun legislators are playing games with the right to self-defense of law-abiding Delaware gun owners.
Again, please contact members of the Senate Judicial and Community Affairs Committee and strongly urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 330 when it comes up for a vote. For a list of committee members and their contact information click here.