On Wednesday, March 12th, the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will hold a public hearing on LD 820, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish the Right to Hunt and Fish. This critical legislation, presented by Rep. Elizabeth M. Caruso (R-Caratunk), enhances protections in Maine's constitution to ensure that the rights of hunters are not infringed.
NRA members and hunting rights supporters are encouraged to attend the hearing on Wednesday, March 12th. Details for the event are below. Members who are unable to attend in person are urged to contact the committee NOW and urge them to support this critical legislation. Click the TAKE ACTION button below to contact lawmakers NOW.
Public Hearing for LD 820
Wednesday March 12th
The Joint Committee On Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Cross Building, Room 206
111 Sewall St, Augusta, ME
Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates as this legislation progresses.