FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: For More Information: May 3, 2004 (703) 267-3820 FAIRFAX, VA -- The National Rifle Association`s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has announced its endorsement of Joe Manchin, III in the democratic primary for Governor of West Virginia. Manchin has also earned an "A+" rating from the Association.
"Joe Manchin`s record as a defender of Second Amendment freedom makes him the clear choice for law-abiding gun owners in West Virginia," said Chris W. Cox, NRA`s chief lobbyist. "Joe is an advocate of hunters, sportsmen and all who believe in the right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms. We are pleased to endorse him and urge all NRA members and law-abiding gun owners to support him at the polls in West Virginia`s May 11 primary."
Cox emphasized Manchin`s commitment to the cause. "As a member of the West Virginia Legislature and as Secretary of State, Joe Manchin has been instrumental in defeating gun control legislation and passing gun rights bills. He knows that to effectively fight crime you get tough on criminals, not law-abiding citizens. And, Joe is a candidate who understands the importance of preserving our shooting and hunting heritage for future generations.
"Voters can be confident that Joe Manchin will continue to be a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights as Governor of West Virginia. Vote freedom first and elect Joe Manchin," concluded Cox.
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The 133-year-old National Rifle Association is the nation`s oldest civil rights group, and advocates enforcement of existing laws to prosecute and punish violent criminals. NRA is the nation`s leader in teaching gun safety and promoting marksmanship among law enforcement officers. The Association has approximately 4 million members across America.